
Hungary: Needs Assessment in Hungary - Children on the Move

The present Needs Assessment aims to help Tdh Hungary delegation to identify strategic directions of its interventions, aligned with Tdh GS 2025-2028 by:

  • Reviewing relevant national legislation and governance system relevant to social services for children and their families.
  • Examining the needs and capacities of children, youth and parents/caregivers in Hungary in the potential areas of programming of Tdh with the overview of the national situation and needs relevant to the thematic areas of Children and Youth on the Move (CYM), while ensuring transversal Child Protection is embedded in the programmes. Particularly, nuanced voices of children shall be examined through primary and secondary data collection and analysis that help to understand concrete needs of child protection and realistic interventions to address the needs in 2025. The Needs Assessment should also explore any innovation approaches towards skills development and entrepreneurship using ICT (such as, 3D printing, digital craft, etc.) which enable youth towards better livelihood opportunities while increasing access to future employability.
  • Analyzing and identifying Tdh’s added values to support local NGOs, CSOs and grassroot organizations, as well as the government of Hungary, including public social service workforce with a focus on social welfare, which help to identify Tdh’s niche in strengthening the national systems of social services particularly on child protection and inclusion, integration and reintegration of those affected by migration, including case management, mental health and psycho-social support across MHPSS continuum of care/IASC MHPSS pyramid, justice systems relevant to children). The analysis of the MHPSS needs should also examine any linkage with innovation and skills development as well as vocational training using ICT technologies as an approach to improve their mental wellbeing.
  • Identifying potential bilateral/international aid organizations, state and non-state partners in Hungary that Tdh can create synergy for its strategic sustainable actions in 2025 and beyond.
  • Recommending approaches and interventions of Tdh in 2025 while the interventions are aligned with Tdh GS 2025-2028, and Tdh Theory of Change for the Children and Youth on the Move Programme, Models of Action on Anti-Trafficking, Access to Employment and Nexus Approach, as well as key global SDGs framework, including climate resilience, diversity and inclusion that are also aligned with the Hungary’s national priorities.

Specific Objectives:

Guided by the purpose and key research questions outlined above, specific objectives of the Needs Assessment relevant to Tdh’s Theory of Change for Children and Youth on the Move are summarized as follows.

  1. Expressed voices, perceptions and information about the Tdh’s beneficiaries and stakeholders as well as measurable results of the rights realized among children and youth through Tdh support in the past interventions are collected and analyzed. (answer to question I)
  2. Current needs and priorities of children and youth, families and local authorities, and the gap of services in realizing the rights of the child are identified and analyzed. Capture emerging areas of concerns, if any, such as, mental health, environmental or digital technological issues affecting them. (answer to question II)
  3. Bottlenecks in realizing the children’s rights are identified, examined and analyzed particularly by clarifying what factors prevent children and youth and families from benefiting from social services, access to education (formal or non-formal), and case management of child protection.
  4. Add values/comparative advantages of Tdh and its potential partners in supporting the Government of Hungary for the sustainable and effective delivery of priority actions relevant to social care and other social services to fully realize the rights of the child are identified and analyzed. (answer to IV and V)
  5. Recommendations of Tdh’s approach and interventions in 2025-2026 are proposed. In particular, propose child and youth led participatory actions to advocate for changes to improve their wellbeing. (answer to question VI)

Geographical Scope:

National level: 

Hungary’s general national situational overview relevant to child rights and the situation and needs of children and youth affected by migration. Key components of the state system examined relevant to CYM are CSOs, communities, beneficiaries and governance, (state coordination mechanisms and leadership, regulatory framework and policies/strategies), state financial system, human resources and workforce, service delivery and information management system.

Study Population: 

  • Children (0-18 years old), youth (up to 24 years old) and their families in with a focus on. The study population should include beneficiaries of Tdh interventions.
  • Stakeholders who work for child rights protection, which include state and non-state actors (government structure and CSOs) with a focus on CYM, bilateral and international aid organizations (UN agencies, development banks and international aid organizations) who operate in the country.

Statements on Data Collection Methods Required in the Proposal:

  • Desk Review: It is required to state and describe the approach and breadth of literature review of published data, which includes the analysis of published secondary data (Hungarian national strategies, regional level statistics, reports, action plan) related to CYM. Desk review that collects basic national and regional data and information and official statistics is also a required element that should be carried out throughout the consultancy.
  • Primary and secondary data collection: in addition to the desk review, the proposal should clearly state what primary and secondary data collection methods are employed.
  • Qualitative data collection: State whether the proposed methodology conducts qualitative data collection. In case qualitative data collection is proposed, specify what data collection methods (KIIs, FGD, Observation etc.) will be employed with justifications that how the proposed methods can answer the research questions and specific objectives of the Needs Assessment. Also specify which stakeholders and beneficiaries will be consulted, including central ministry’s focal points, regional, district officials and state agencies and institutions relevant to social services (ombudsman’s office etc.), bilateral and international development agencies (UNICEF, EU, USAID, etc), INGO, local NGOs, social service workforce (social workers, teachers, police, lawyers, judges, prosecutors etc.), other child protection experts, children and youth and community representatives.
  • Quantitative data collection: State whether the proposed methodology conducts quantitative data collection. In case quantitative data collection is proposed, specify what data collection method will be conducted (complete survey or sample survey) with a justification that how the proposed methods can answer the research questions and specific objectives of the Needs Assessment. In case sample survey is proposed, specify sampling frame, data collection tool to be used, sampling strategy as well as strategy to ensure internal and external validity and reliability of the tools.

In case quantitative data collection method is proposed, representativeness of the study population at confidence interval of 90% or over with no more than 5% margin of error is accepted. A simple statistical test (p-value and significance test of variables of analysis) is encouraged, and various statistical analysis is encouraged. However, the Needs Assessment does not require multi-variant regression analysis in this consultancy.

Please consult the full Terms of Reference(link is external) before you apply!


The consultant (individual, team of consultants or a consulting company) should have the characteristics as follows.


  • Proven experience in conducting needs assessment of child rights, particularly with a migration focus.
  • At least 10 years of both quantitative and qualitative social research experience involving children and families in Child Protection, and CYM.
  • Minimum 5 years of experience in social research involving qualitative and/qualitative data collection and analysis.
  • Minimum 2 years of experience in data input and cleaning for qualitative and quantitative data.
  • Valid registration of 3 years in Hungary in case of a corporate proposal is required.
  • The ability to issue an invoice in case of an individual consultant is required.
  • Work experience with international NGO/CSO for child rights is required.
  • Excellent written and oral English and Hungarian is required.
  • Strong analytical skills with excellent knowledge of statistics, social service and human rights systems.
  • At submitting the proposal, one sample analytical report which was previously conducted by the consultant concerning child rights is required.
  • Proven experience in handling primary and secondary data.
  • Knowledge of human rights--based approach to programming.
  • Strong coordination skills and ability to adhere to deadlines.
  • Excellent analytical report writing skills.


  • Understanding of the nexus approach and climate change adaptation in humanitarian contexts in development aid and humanitarian response is a strong asset.
  • Working experience with bilateral and multilateral development aid agencies is considered as a strong asset.

How to Apply: 

Please submit a technical and financial proposal to: sends email) no later than 7th March 2025. 

Mode of Proposal Submission:

  1. Technical Proposal: one (1) signed original via mail, by hand or 1 electronically via email.
  2. Financial Proposal: one (1) signed original via mail, by hand or 1 electronically via email.
    Instruction to Technical proposal:
    1. At submitting the technical proposal, submit one sample analytical report which was previously conducted by the consultant concerning child rights.
  3. Instruction to Financial proposal:
    1. Submit consultancy fees with daily rate.
    2. Please include any direct costs for data collection (travel, per diem, workshop logistics, payment for enumerators, etc.) and any indirect costs to complete all the deliverables of the consultancy.
    3. Please include any administration costs (e.g., translation, data analysis tools, designing, printing).
    4. All cost should include respective VAT, if applicable. All cost should include respective VAT, if applicable.
    5. The currency of proposal must be in Ukraine local currency with indicative The currency of proposal must be in Ukraine local currency with indicative corresponding amount in CHF.
    6. Proof of professional registration and taxation is also required (e.g. by Proof of professional registration and taxation is also required (e.g. by providing the providing the evaluator(s) tax number).
    7. Consultant is encouraged to submit the financial proposal using the Annex 2, while Consultant is encouraged to submit the financial proposal using the Annex 2, while free format is also accepted, provided that the free format included all information free format is also accepted, provided that the free format included all information specified in the Annex 2.

Evaluation of the Proposal:

  • Technical evaluation of the proposals will be conducted considering the Required qualifications outlined in Qualifications.
  • Financial Proposals will be evaluated Financial Proposals will be evaluated only among only among the applicants the applicants who passed the Technical who passed the Technical Evaluation.

Payment Conditions: 

  1. 1st payment: 40% of the contract amount after the satisfactory submission of Deliverable 1 to 5.
  2. Final payment: 60% of the contract amount after the satisfactory submission of all Deliverables.
Terre des Hommes Hungary
Type of work