CAAFAG Programme Development Toolkit: Training Guide and Guidelines

Tips for using the tools within the toolkit:
Open the PDF using Abode Acrobat and find the tools identified with the paper clip icon. Then click on the small arrow on the left hand side and then on the paper clip icon to open the list of tools.
The CAAFAG Programme Development Toolkit was produced by the CAAFAG Task Force of the Alliance for Child protection in Humanitarian Action, co-led by Plan International and UNICEF. The development process of the Programme Development Toolkit builds on the results of a desktop review and 16 key informant interviews with researchers, government representatives, UN agencies and national and international NGOs.
Additionally, a Capacity Needs and Gaps survey was conducted with 196 field practitioners implementing CAAFAG programmes through an online survey. The findings of the survey informed the content of the toolkit. The report is available on the Alliance CAAFAG Task Force webpage.
The toolkit was field-tested in four countries, Central African Republic, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Burkina Faso with the involvement of 37 partners. The toolkit was finalized following feedback from 22 participants, 4 months after they were trained on how to use the toolkit.
The objective of the CAAFAG Programme Development Toolkit is to provide field practitioners with the knowledge and skills to design quality gender-sensitive programmes for CAAFAG, with the involvement of children, including former CAAFAG.
The content of Programme Development Toolkit includes:
- Guidelines on how to design a CAAFAG project with practical guidance using a step-by-step approach
- Training Resources to train managers’ and other positions in charge of project development
- Tools to collect and analyse data to contextualize
The Toolkit is intended for field practitioners working with CAAFAG, who are interested in designing and implementing quality, gender-sensitive and participatory programming.
Field practitioners include national and international Non-Governmental Organisations, National Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration Commissions, government actors and United Nations agencies.
This Toolkit is specifically suitable for managers and those in other positions in charge of project proposal development and project implementation.
The training package is particularly useful to Child Protection technical advisors, programme quality managers and Child Protection Cluster coordinators to promote the development and implementation of quality projects.
The following Guidelines start with Background Information on CAAFAG and then focus on the Steps to Design a Project, following the project cycle, namely...
- Background information
- Context analysis
- Programme design and Strategic planning
- Implementtion and Monitoring
- Learning and Evaluation.