Report | Community Engagement in Case Management

Community Volunteers and their Role in Case Management Processes in Humanitarian Contexts: A Comparative Study of Research and Practice
The Alliance
Community volunteers are an integral part of preventing and responding to cases of violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation of children in humanitarian settings. They have a deep understanding of their communities, and help to identify children who are at-risk, have experienced harm, or have been separated from their family. Following global and field research conducted in 2020, the Alliance has produced key resources related to the roles of community volunteers in Child Protection case management in humanitarian settings.
The resources include:
- Exploratory Study Report | Community Engagement in Case Management: The full research report with the findings and recommendations for child protection actors in humanitarian settings. (Only available in English)
- Study Brief | Community Engagement in Case Management: A 5-page document that summarizes the findings and recommendations for (Available in English, Arabic, Spanish, French)
- Policy Brief | Community Engagement in Case Management: A 3-page document targeting donors, policy makers, and UN agencies regarding the roles of volunteers and how decision makers can support their roles (Available in English, Arabic, Spanish, French)
- 7 Best Practices to Support Community Volunteers: A poster for Child Protection teams to emphasize the evidence based practices of engaging volunteers that were documented in the research (Available in English, Arabic, Spanish, French)
To watch the virtual launch of the Community Engagement in Case Management Study, click here.