Summary | Inter-Agency Toolkit: Preventing and Responding to Child Labour in Humanitarian Action
The Inter-Agency Toolkit: Preventing and Responding to Child Labour in Humanitarian Action offers a strong global commitment to addressing child labour in humanitarian action. It was developed by the global Child Labour Task Force, under the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, which is co-led by Plan International and the International Labour Organization (ILO). The toolkit is an example of large-scale inter-agency and inter-sectoral collaboration: over 150 individuals from more than 30 agencies worldwide have helped develop and test the guidance and tools and shared best practice. The toolkit complements the 2019 edition of the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action and seeks to form an evidence base for child labour programming in humanitarian settings, reflecting the great progress made over the past years.
Have not had a chance to explore the entire Toolkit? Take a look at this short summary!
Find the Child Labour Inter-Agency Toolkit Initiative here.