Report | Capacity Needs and Gaps Analysis: CAAFAG Programming
The Alliance CAAFAG Task Force is implementing an interagency project with the aim to strengthen the capacities of field practitioners to design and implement programs related to the prevention of child recruitment, the release and the reintegration of children associated with armed forces and armed groups across multiple contexts. Through this project, Plan International will develop a capacity building toolkit with an interagency approach, involving global and field actors.
A capacity needs and gaps assessment was implemented to gather information on skills and technical knowledge needed to deliver quality CAAFAG programmes, as well as preferred learning approaches and gaps in existing learning materials.
The assessment was conducted through an online anonymous survey during the month of November 2020, for field practitioners in charge of designing and implementing CAAFAG programs and through key informant interviews. This assessment focused on the technical capacity at the individual level and not the organizational capacity such as management structures and financial systems.
This report highlights the findings from the online survey as well as from 14 key informants and will inform the content of the capacity building toolkit.