Report | Still Unprotected: Humanitarian Funding for Child Protection
Why is protection of children in humanitarian contexts so neglected, and what can we do to better protect these children from harm?
In 2019, the Alliance, Save the Children and the Child Protection Area of Responsibility published “Unprotected”, a report exposing shortfalls in humanitarian funding for child protection.
Throughout 2020, the impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic and the containment measures have layered risk upon risk for children in humanitarian crises. With the global COVID-19 pandemic exacerbating risks to children’s protection it has become imperative to get an updated picture of state of child protection funding in humanitarian contexts, based on the latest data, including initial funding within COVID-responses. Although the overall funding for child protection is increasing, the funding gap remains wide due to the needs increasing at an alarming rate.
This report builds on analysis undertaken in 2019 and incorporates 2019 and 2020 funding and additional funding streams related to refugee contexts.
To find the Executive Summary for the Still Unprotected Report, click here.