A Review of Child Protection Caseworkers Recruitment and Capacity-building in Humanitarian Settings
Child protection case management in humanitarian settings requires caseworkers with the knowledge and skills to support vulnerable children and families during distressing events and in environments with limited services. In acknowledgement of those challenges, this review was conducted to provide an overview of key considerations and opportunities for strengthening caseworker recruitment and capacity-building practices. The methodology includes several components:
a desk review of relevant global standards and guidelines about what constitutes a best practice
key informant interviews to triangulate and expand upon the desk review
case studies developed from 15 humanitarian settings, based on documentation provided by Case Management Task Force (CMTF) member agencies
The findings include an overview of inter-agency tools and guidance,4 supplemented by the country case studies, which illustrate the different approaches available. The findings also include recommendations about how to go about strengthening recruitment and capacity-building practices.
This document is structured into three main sections. The first section is designed for readers looking to develop a strategy for recruitment and capacity-building. Readers with limited time and resources can select priority areas from the second and third sections.