Webinar | The Need for Governments to Consult Child Protection Advisers when Loosening COVID-19 Lockdown Restrictions (English version)
Please find the edited recording of the English language webinar here.
Advocacy Webinar sponsored by the Advocacy Working Group COVID-19 Advocacy Team (CAT):
“The Need for Governments to Consult Child Protection Advisers when Loosening COVID-19 Lockdown Restrictions”
21 July, 8:30am EDT (2:30pm CEST) – English language
23 July, 8:30am EDT (2:30pm CEST) – Spanish language
In April, the Spanish government was about to relax confinement restrictions for children, which was demanded by families and children’s organizations. The process led to rectifications and ultimately a closer relationship between civil society organizations, as well as prioritizing the rights and protection of children in the measures. We will examine the Spanish incident as a case study for why governments should consult child protection advisers when loosening lockdown orders and provide practical tools and guidance for persuading governments to give child protection specialists a seat at the table when discussing when and how to reopen. For more information visit the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action website.