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Webinar | The Need for Governments to Consult Child Protection Advisers when Loosening COVID-19 Lockdown Restrictions (English version)

Start and finish time of webinar
8:30 EDT | 2:30pm CEST
The Alliance

Please find the edited recording of the English language webinar here. (link is external)


Advocacy Webinar sponsored by the Advocacy Working Group COVID-19 Advocacy Team (CAT):
“The Need for Governments to Consult Child Protection Advisers when Loosening COVID-19 Lockdown Restrictions”

21 July, 8:30am EDT (2:30pm CEST) – English language
23 July, 8:30am EDT (2:30pm CEST) – Spanish language

In April, the Spanish government was about to relax confinement restrictions for children, which was demanded by families and children’s organizations. The process led to rectifications and ultimately a closer relationship between civil society organizations, as well as prioritizing the rights and protection of children in the measures. We will examine the Spanish incident as a case study for why governments should consult child protection advisers when loosening lockdown orders and provide practical tools and guidance for persuading governments to give child protection specialists a seat at the table when discussing when and how to reopen. For more information visit the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action website.

Language of webinar
Government actors
Child protection