Child Protection Case Management Supervision and Coaching Training Package

The Case Management Supervision and Coaching Training Package is developed to increase case management supervisors’ confidence, capacity and support to caseworkers to provide safe, ethical and competent case management services to vulnerable children and their families. The package includes 6 training modules, 7 videos providing on overview of the content and case studies, a facilitator's guide, pre- and post- tests, and sample agendas. The complete training packages are available in: Arabic, English, Spanish and French.
This package also includes The Caseworker Capacity Assessment Tool (from the CM Supervision and Coaching package). This is a practical resource used to assess the caseworker’s attitudes, knowledge and skills. These are minimum competency standards for all caseworkers providing case management services. The results of the assessment should inform the capacity building and development actions that a supervisor provides in individual and group supervision sessions.