
E-course Expansion: CPMS Standard 21 or 28

Under the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, UNICEF and Save the Children co-lead the Working Group for the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPMS WG). The CPMS WG aims to strengthen quality and accountability in humanitarian child protection programming \ through the promotion, implementation and institutionalization of the child protection minimum standards. It currently has a 3 year initiative focusing on working across 4 prioritised sectors for children’s protection and well- being.

The CPMS WG has developed a free, introductory e-course based on the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action with 4 mandatory modules and 14 optional ones. Its primary audience is child protection actors (in both humanitarian and non-humanitarian contexts), and other humanitarian colleagues (i.e. Education, WASH, Nutrition). Most users are in entry level positions (though 1⁄3 are at mid-level) and work at the country, regional or global
level. Following the successful co-development of the module on Education and Child Protection with the Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), we wish to expand the course in partnership with other humanitarian sectors.

Save the Children Sweden (on behalf of the CPMS Working Group) is looking for

A consultant in Food Security and
A consultant in CCCM

to expand its e-course through the development of two separate 30 minute e-modules on Standards 21 (Food Security) and 28 (CCCM). Joint applications will be accepted.

It is expected that the consultants will work independently (though collaboration between consultants is encouraged where possible). Each consultant will be responsible for the development of one e-module (either food security or CCCM). They will be provided with a folder of introductory materials, such as case studies, templates, and strategy documents and will need to use them to design the modules, as well as complement them with assessment tools to enhance the learning experience. The scope of work is a final draft of each module - based on the text of the CPMS and a range of existing materials from Alliance members. It will require working closely with the instructional design company and subject matter experts in child protection and Food Security or CCCM.


  • Agreement on initial outline
  • Access to existing training and technical resources (videos, images, activities, PPT)
  • Introductions to relevant actors & management of timely feedback process

Contracted by Save the Children, the consultants will report to the CPMS WG co-leads of the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, and work in an inter-agency fashion.

Kindly note that there is some flexibility in dates as the development of each module will be staggered so that the instructional design company is not overwhelmed.

Deliverable Deadline:

  • Outline (1.5d): July 8
  • 1st Draft of script (2.5d): July 22
  • 2nd Draft of script (1d): August 8
  • Revisions based on piloting of module (1d): September 30


  • Previous experience in leading or contributing to the development of online learning content for adult learners from multiple cultures and contexts as a target audience (i.e. Articulate Storyline or 360)
  • 3 years experience working in / extensive professional network in either food security or CCCM in humanitarian settings
  • Demonstrated experience in inter-agency initiatives
  • Excellent organizational skills: the ability to manage, track and follow-up on various resources and sets of feedback
  • Excellent written and verbal communications skills in English, interpersonal skills and cultural sensitivity.


  • Demonstrated understanding of child protection or protection mainstreaming
  • Strong knowledge of emerging e-Learning theories, concepts, and standards;
  • Proven ability to deliver creative, engaging content

Kindly submit your cv and a letter of interest (including 2 references, 2 examples of relevant work, and your daily rate) to sends email).

The application deadline is COB (CEST) Monday June 27, 2022.

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CPMS Vacancy Description 153.48 KB
Save the Children Sweden
Type of work