CPMS E-course WxS Expansion
BACKGROUND: The global Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action supports the efforts of humanitarian actors to achieve high-quality and effective child protection interventions in both refugee and non-refugee humanitarian contexts. One of its work streams is to strengthen quality and accountability in humanitarian child protection programming through the promotion, implementation and institutionalization of minimum standards (CPMS).
Over the past 3 years, the CPMS Working Group has developed a free, introductory e-course with 4 mandatory modules and 14 optional ones. Its primary audience is child protection actors (in both humanitarian and non-humanitarian contexts), as well as other humanitarian colleagues (i.e. Education, WASH, Nutrition). Most users are in entry level positions (though 1⁄3 are at mid-level) and work at the country, regional or global level. It appears on Kaya, UNICEF’s internal Agora platform and we are working for it to be featured on Disaster Ready as well. It will be launched in Spanish & Arabic in Summer 2022; it has been translated into French and is awaiting funds for digitalisation.
OBJECTIVE: Save the Children Sweden (on behalf of the CPMS Working Group) is looking for a digital learning company to expand its e-course through the development of three 30 minute modules, which will ultimately be developed in 4 languages (English, French, Spanish & Arabic).
SCOPE OF WORK: The company will be provided with a folder of background materials, and will need to use them to design the modules, as well as to complement them with assessment tools to enhance the learning experience. The scope of work is to produce a SCORM file for each module based on the text of the CPMS and a range of existing materials from Alliance members and other subject matter experts.
The new modules should fit seamlessly into the existing e-course (using opening and closing sequences, existing images / animation / assessment formats /etc.), though be shorter/tighter at 30 mins. This will then need to be repeated in French, Spanish and Arabic. The development process will be led by a Focal Point within the CPMS Working Group/Save the Children and require working closely with the L&D WG co-leads and indirectly a team of experts in various
technical, humanitarian areas.
- Agreement on initial outline
- Access to existing training and technical resources (videos, images, activities, PPT)
- Introductions to relevant actors for background information and potential interviews
- Translation of scripts, with as many links to supplemental materials as possible
- Management of feedback process in a timely manner
DELIVERABLES & TIMELINE: Kindly note that there is some flexibility in dates as the development (and
translation) of each module will be staggered so that the digital learning company is not overwhelmed.
Deliverable | Deadline |
Planning meeting (with Focal Point & M1 technical team) | August 9 |
Outline of Module 1 (M1) | August 17 |
Planning meeting (with Focal Point & M2 technical team) | w/o September 5 |
Draft of script (M1) | September 12 |
Articulate version for comments (M1) | October 10 |
Planning meeting (with Focal Point & M3 technical team) | w/o October 10 |
Final SCORM file for M1 available and goes to translation | October 31 |
SCORM file (Module 2) available & goes to translation | November 30 |
SCORM file (Module 3) available and goes to translation | January 15 |
Module 1 inputted into Articulate in FR/SP/AR | December |
Final SCORM files available (M1 FR/SP/AR)January 2023 | January 31 2023 |
Module 2 inputted into Articulate in FR/SP/AR | January 2023 |
Final SCORM files available (M2 FR/SP/AR) | February 28 2023 |
Module 3 inputted into Articulate in FR/SP/AR | February |
Final SCORM files available (M3 FR/SP/AR) | March 31 2023 |
- Extensive experience in developing online learning content with adult learners from multiple
- cultures and contexts as a target audience
- This should include creation of diagrams, quizzes, audio or video interviews, short animations, etc.
- High proficiency in Articulate Storyline or 360
- Excellent organisational skills: the ability to manage & track various threads in a multi-faceted project
- Excellent written and verbal communications skills, interpersonal skills and cultural sensitivity
- Written fluency in English, and proven ability to complete work in French, Spanish
- Ability to complete work in Arabic
- Experience in creating content for low-bandwidth settings
- Experience in inter-agency initiatives
APPLICATION PROCESS: Kindly submit your proposal, including 2 references, a sample of your work and
your fees to minja.peuschel@rb.se CC: cpms.wg@alliancecpha.org & hoshang.schiwa@rb.se by COB
(CEST) Tuesday July 26, 2022.