Home-based: Technical Support Consultant
Title: Technical Support to Prevent Child Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Sexual Harassment in World Bank-Supported Development Projects
Type of Assignment: Part-time Consultancy Program
Consultancy Start Date: September 1, 2022
Consultancy End Date: December 31, 2023
Consultancy location: Initiative team is NY-based; however, consultancy can be completely virtually from any location in the world. Consultants from Nepal are strongly encouraged to apply.
Overall Initiative Background:
This initiative’s goal is to provide the technical support needed for the World Bank to develop or to enhance the capacity and operational systems needed to prevent and respond to sexual exploitation, abuse and sexual harassment (SEA/SH) of children and adolescents arising from the large-scale infrastructure and other projects supported by the World Bank. The CPC Learning Network is embedded in the Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health. The Consultant will be working with the CPC Learning Network to support the Bank’s efforts on the Nepal Strategic Road Connectivity and
Trade Improvement Project to prevent and to respond project-induced sexual exploitation and abuse and sexual harassment of children.
Nepal Strategic Road Connectivity and Trade Improvement Project:
The development objective of the Strategic Road Connectivity and Trade Improvement Project (SRCTIP) is to improve the efficiency and safety of select transport infrastructure, improve the efficiency of cross-border trade, and strengthen capacity for strategic road network management in Nepal. Due to labor influx, the existing high prevalence of SEA/SH in project areas, and weak response and coordination
mechanisms, the SEA/SH risk for this project has been assessed as substantial, and the World Bank has committed to taking action to minimize and prevent SEA/SH associated with the project. While the World Bank has taken important steps to address SEA/SH risks associated with the project, there is a need for more child- and adolescent-inclusive prevention and response mechanisms, and further consideration of the specific needs of children and adolescents who may be impacted by the project. For
more information: https://projects.worldbank.org/en/projects-operations/projectdetail/P170409
Nepal Technical Support:
The consultant will support the World Bank and its partners to enhance the capacity of the World Bank, Borrowers, and project contracted GBV service providers on issues related to mechanisms to prevent and respond to online and in-person child sexual exploitation, abuse and sexual harassment (SEA/SH) in the SRCTIP. The technical support will serve as an opportunity to develop and implement context-appropriate and evidence-based approaches to preventing and responding to child sexual exploitation, abuse and sexual harassment and to ensure that SEA/SH prevention and response measures are child- and adolescent-inclusive.
Scope of Work, Duration, and Reporting:
The consultancy will be fixed fee for the key deliverables described below and go through the end of December 2023 with the possibility of extension depending on performance and initiative needs. The consultant will be hired by the Care and Protection of Children Learning Network, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, and will be the focal point for Yana Mayevskaya, Senior Program Officer. The consultant will work closely with the in-country World Bank Nepal project team for feedback and oversight. The terms of this consultancy will be agreed upon the identification of the successful applicant.
Scope of Work:
The consultancy will focus on key deliverables including:
- Develop training materials and deliver trainings across four tiers on prevention and response to child SEA/SH and the intersection between GBV and VAC
- World Bank Nepal Social Team
- Borrowers (i.e., The project coordinating unit, the project implementation units, supervision consultant team, under the Strategic Roads project)
- Pre-identified GBV service providers
- Contractors
- Develop communication strategy on prevention and response to child and adolescent sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment with timeline. This includes:
- Develop or support the client (the Government of Nepal) for the development of information, education, and communication (IEC) materials on child/adolescent sexual exploitation, abuse and sexual harassment, child labor and child trafficking in local language. This should align with the communication strategy and IEC materials developed for broader SEA/SH risk prevention and response by the project.
- Review, critique, and suggest adaptations for codes of conduct (CoC), and child and adolescent inclusive grievance redressal mechanism (GRM) as required in WB substantial risk projects. This should include global evidence, best practices and recommendations on CoCs and on child responsive GRM.
Key Deliverables:
- Trainings reports inclusive of training modules. The training should be delivered in PowerPoint format.
- Sample code of conduct and GRM that addresses child SEA/SH.
- IEC materials and communication plan.
The consultant must have the following qualifications:
- MA (MD or PhD preferred) in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, public health, public policy or administration, child welfare, or another relevant social science;
- Expertise in developing manuals in the field of SEA/SH, GBV, and VAC;
- Minimum of five years of experience on child and adolescent SEA/SH;
- Understanding of the World Bank or other similar large development organizations is desirable;
- Extensive experience working in the field of child protection, child mental health and rights in developing countries and knowledge on good practices in the prevention of child sexual exploitation, abuse and sexual harassment;
- Ability to write, read, and speak Nepali language and extensive work experience in Nepal
- Superior inter-personal skills with proven ability to work cooperatively with multidisciplinary actors at all levels of staff, clients, and development partners;
- Strong spoken and written communications skills including the ability to speak and write persuasively
How to Apply:
Interested applicants should send their CV, a cover letter, and their service fees for the three deliverables described above as well as the total fixed fee in USD to cpclearningevents@gmail.com by August 31, 2022, referencing “Nepal Technical Support Consultant” in the subject line. Applications that do not include service fees in USD cannot be considered.