Global Protection Forum 2022 | Child and Adolescent Participation to Facilitate Access
Gender-Based Violence AoR
The Alliance
Child Protection Area of Responsibility (CP AoR)
Save the Children
As part of the ‘Global Protection Forum 2022 – Access that Protects’, The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, alongside Save the Children, the Global Child Protection Area of Responsibility, and the Global Gender Based Violence Area of Responsibility are delighted to invite to you our thematic virtual event on Wednesday 26th October at 10:00AM – 11:30AM CEST: Access for Protection through Participation: Working with Children, Adolescents, and their Communities
Please register for the session here to get the email reminders: Registration Form: Global Protection Forum 2022. Learn more about this session below!
This interactive session will provide space to share learnings and promote exchange from projects and research being undertaken by the Global GBV and CP AoR, the Alliance for Children Protection in Humanitarian Action, and Save the Children, in partnership with communities and child / adolescent organisations. It will also be a chance to present research findings and recommendations for humanitarian involvement in community negotiations since the 2021 Global Protection Forum and to gather insights from an expert audience.
A set of recommendations will be developed from the panel presentations and discussion based upon practical examples and the lived experience of young people in humanitarian settings on how to enhance access to protection through supporting meaningful participation processes, including in negotiations for access. These will seek to inform how humanitarians can work and cooperate more effectively with crisis affected populations, particularly children and adolescents.
Our Partners:
This event is being supported by the Swiss Development Cooperation. It will be co-moderated by Divina Maloum, a young activist from Cameroon, who was the winner of the 2019 Children’s Peace Prize. Divina has lived experience of thematic issues and is the founder of Children for Peace (C4P) in Cameroon, which she set up when she was a young adolescent.
Please do share this event as relevant with your peers and colleagues, especially those with technical experience working in children and young person participation.
If you have any questions, please reach out to our Strategic Partnerships and Advocacy Focal Point at for more information.