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Capacity Sharing among Local and International Actors to Deliver Humanitarian Action

The Alliance
Network of Aid Empowerment Response (NEAR)
IASC Localization Task Force


The Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) is the highest-level humanitarian coordination forum of the United Nations system which It brings together the executive heads of 18 organizations and consortia to formulate policy, set strategic priorities and mobilize resources in response to humanitarian crises. Within the IASC, the Operational Policy and Advocacy Group (OPAG) oversees the work of the Results Groups on behalf of the IASC, identifies priorities and drives the strategic policy of the IASC. The OPAG has tasked the IASC Localisation Task Force to develop an understanding of capacity sharing and what kind of measure/standard/approach could help strengthen that part of engagement of international actors with local actors. 

How to Contribute: 

In order to start off the conversation, a sub-group has developed a scoping paper which to enable gathering of as much input and feedback as possible from local and national actors.  

The document is 5 pages long and is open to feedback, comments and proposed changes. In order to engage with as many actors from the Global South as possible, NEAR is organizing a broad consultation process, inviting Global South actors to be as propositional as possible.

The scoping paper is available at the following links. Colleagues in the Global South are invited to provide written feedback – as specific and as concrete as possible, in track changes or comments directly on the document. 

  1. Arabic - Capacity sharing scoping paper.docx(link is external)
  2. English - Capacity sharing scoping paper.docx(link is external)
  3. French -Capacity sharing scoping paper.docx(link is external)
  4. Spanish - Capacity sharing scoping paper.docx(link is external)

Target Group:

Global South constituency – If you are not a member of the target group, please share this with any relevant colleagues or contacts who are and can support the Localization Task Force in this initiative. 
