Guidance Note | Supporting Integrated Child Protection and Education Programming in Humanitarian Action

This Guidance Note supports the Alliance and INEE’s CPHA-EiE Joint Initiative by orienting both sectors to opportunities for program integration. Through collaboration, both sectors aim to deliver on the Sustainable Development Goal 4 to provide/ensure “inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all” by 2030. They lift up the centrality of children’s protection and well-being in humanitarian responses. All children, including refugees, internally displaced, stateless, and migrant children, have the right to appropriate sustainable solutions in accordance with their best interests.
This guidance aims to support the Child Protection and Education practitioners who respond to the needs of children in humanitarian crises. This includes relevant government line ministries, national civil society organizations, community and faith-based organizations (C/FBOs), (I)NGOs, UN agencies, other implementing organizations, and donors.
The Guidance Note is organized by programmatic areas. Programmatic areas align with the domains and standards from both the Alliance’s Child Protection Minimum Standards (CPMS) and INEE’s Minimum Standards for Education (INEE MS).