

Podcast | COVID-19 Programme Adaptation Series, Ep 3: Life Skills Adaptations during COVID-19

Life skills programming remains a critical element of child protection work in humanitarian settings, including promoting behavior change and providing critical skills for children and caregivers adapting to a crisis. Therefore, this episode will present two country-level adaptations and one online...

Podcast | COVID-19 Programme Adaption Series, Ep 4: Adapting Case Management in the Context of COVID-19 - One Year On!

This episode will feature examples of adaptations made to case management programming in the context of COVID-19, challenges encountered by practitioners in the adaptation process and recommendations for key actions to tackle obstacles that are still to be face. To watch the corresponding webinar...

Podcast | COVID-19 Programme Adaptation Series, Ep 1: Innovative Approaches to Awareness Raising

With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Child Protection actors needed to think outside the box on how to continue disseminating information and raising awareness amongst communities. This was even more crucial as knowledge is key to protecting yourself during a crisis. Child Protection actors...

Podcast | COVID-19 Programme Adaptation Series, Ep 2: Integrating Child Protection and Education in Emergencies Programming during COVID-19

This episode will feature new research from the Alliance and INEE on integrated CP-EiE programming and country-level experiences from World Vision International and BIFERD. The presentations will cover: The benefits for children of collaboration between Education and Child Protection in emergencies...

Podcast | Protected! Podcast Ep 11: Are Governments Doing Enough for Child Protection Workers?

Subtitle: Caring for Young Children during COVID-19 (Part 2). This episode of Protected! is the second in a 2-Part series with Joan Lombardi - to listen to Part 1, click here. Many governments around the world are debating or have initiated the second round of restrictions to combat the coronavirus...

Podcast | Protected! Podcast Ep 10: Supporting Children on the Street during the Lockdown

The pandemic is difficult for children living and working on the street. How can you obey a stay-at-home order when home is not an option? How do you stick to basic hygiene precautions like regular hand washing, if there’s no water on tap? CWIN has been supporting children and advocating for their...

Podcast | Protected! Podcast Ep 9: Phoning for Help, the 10-9-8 Child Helpline in Nepal

More children than ever called the CWIN child helpline 10-9-8 when lockdown measures begin in Nepal. The helpline team at the country’s oldest child rights organisation was on the streets supporting children daily, even as movement restrictions barred all but essential workers from operating...

Podcast | Protected! Podcast Ep 8: When “Stay at Home” Policies Become a Danger for some Girls and Boys

Many girls and boys face violence at the hands of the very people they need to trust most. Their parents and close relatives. The COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns have wiped out the income many families relied on to meet their basic needs. And that means overwhelmed adults and children have been...

Podcast | Protected! Podcast Ep 7: City Kids, Country Kids and the School Shutdown in Mongolia

Schools in Mongolia shut down in January 2020, long before many other countries considered nationwide school closures. Amarbayasgalan Erdenebileg from World Vision Mongolia tells Hani Mansourian, the Alliance's Co-coordinator, what effect the school closure had on children in rural and urban...

Podcast | Protected! Podcast Ep 6: Considering Social Norms during COVID-19

Social norms govern how we behave in all the different communities that we move within and between. As the response to COVID-19 has altered how we live, the pandemic has influenced many norms around child rearing, from compulsory mask wearing, to physically-distanced grandparenting to hand washing...

Podcast | Protected! Podcast Ep 5: Caring for Young Children (Part 1)

When the coronavirus lockdown has shrunk your world to the four walls around you, Joan Lombardi, the director of Early Opportunities, shares about caring for young children under lockdown. This is part one of a two-part interview with Joan Lombardi on the Protected! Podcast. On the podcast this week...

Podcast | Protected! Podcast Ep 4: Impact of COVID-19 on Child Labour Programming in Myanmar

The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed any famailies into difficulties, which has increased the risk of chidlren being lured or forced into different types of work that are hazardous for thier health, wellbeing and development. In this podcast, Hani Mansourian from the Alliance for Child Protection in...

Podcast | Protected! Podcast: Ep 3: Protecting Refugee Children in East Africa

Governments shut borders quickly in eastern Africa as the threat of an outbreak of COVID-19 loomed. That left child protection actors with reduced access to the refugee children they support and the children themselves are facing more risks. Elsa Laurin, the Senior Child Protection Officer for the...

Podcast | Protected! Podcast Ep 2: Transitioning to a Remote Adolescent Programme in Lebanon

Have you ever wondered what happens when child protection actors have zero face-to-face access to the children and families they support? Plan International Lebanon faced that exact problem in March 2020, when the government imposed a curfew and state of emergency across the country. Elissa...

Podcast | Protected! Podcast Ep 1: Prioritising MHPSS and CP Workers during COVID-19

This podcast is for all child protection actors everywhere. Wherever you are, hit the Play button now! Dr Zeinab Hijazi, the mental health and psychosocial support expert from UNICEF talks to Hani Mansourian, the Alliance's Co-coordinator about the coronavirus pandemic and its effects on mental...