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2023 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

Registration in Arabic, French and Spanish, as well as registration for participants under 18 years old, has now closed.

If you are over 18 years old and still wish to register, please use the English Form below or email us at annualmeeting2023@alliancecpha.org.
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The Alliance
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Join us and explore the theme of Children and their Protection at the Centre of Humanitarian Action: Research, Policy, and Practice.

June 12th - 15th on Zoom Events 

Learn everything you need to know about attending the 2023 Annual Meeting below! 

  1. Agenda for the 2023 Annual Meeting 
  2. Participant Pack - How to attend the 2023 Annual Meeting 
  3. The Centrality of Children and their Protection - A Visual & Written Introduction

To give a small snapshot of what is in store at this year's Annual Meeting: 

The Opening Half-Day of the meeting will focus on the meeting theme of putting children and their protection at the centre of humanitarian action, by charting how the CPHA sector has and will continue to evolve, including in recognition of the centrality of children and their protection, and through hearing the major commitments made by donors and member states at the Oslo Conference on 5-6 June.   

To celebrate World Day Against Child Labour on June 12th, the day will conclude with a special event facilitated by the Alliance’s Child Labour Task Force.  

This year we received 87 abstract submissions. 36 of these were selected from international and local/national NGOs, UN agencies, other networks, coordination bodies, and universities and research institutions.

  • These will be shared during the meeting on 13, 14 and 15 June to engage key stakeholders in strategic discussions on how to strengthen collective action on child protection in humanitarian action, and share practical examples, research and best practices on the meeting theme. Strategic-advocacy focussed sessions will be featured on 15 June, but please check the agenda to find the various Strategic-advocacy sessions throughout the 13th to 15th of June.
  • A selection of sessions will be led by our Working Groups, Task Forces and Initiatives on 14 and 15 June to showcase their work and engage you in discussion about their areas of focus and plans.

A number of additional abstracts have been developed into infographics and will be showcased in our Infographic Gallery and Marketplace. The Gallery can be accessed through our Community of Practice, for which you should register in advance of the meeting by following this link(link is external). See the Agenda to find the select break times will be used for the infographics to be shared in a 'marketplace' session where you can meet and talk to the authors. 

Simultaneous interpretation in Arabic, English, French, and Spanish will be provided for all sessions on 12 June and on select sessions throughout the 13th to 15th of June. Find the interpretation details for each session in Zoom Events under the “Sessions” tab.

Capacity strengthening
Centrality of Children
Learning and development
Accessibility options