Home-based: Request for Research Proposals - The Situation of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Programming in SOS Children's Villages
1. Purpose and Objective of the Investigation:
The primary objective of this research study is to generate context-specific evidence, and to develop recommendations, to address identified gaps in program intervention, federation policies, and staff capacities in SRHR programming.
General Objectives of the Study: Provide an overview of the situation regarding the guarantee of the exercise of sexual and reproductive health and rights in Programs and Services of the Federation of SOS Children's Villages, including relevant findings and recommendations.
Specific Objectives:
- Assess the current status of SRHR in policies and guidance documents in SOS Children’s Villages
- Assess the current status of SRHR in a sample of programmes in SOS Children’s Villages, which includes:
- Assessing the level of knolwedge and understanding among employees and stakeholders
- Identify training gaps
- Assess level of Inclusion and access of particularly vulnerable groups in SRHR programming
- Identify good practices, barriers to SRHR and areas for improvement in current SRHR programming
- Make recommendations for future actions to improve the implementation of SRHR within the organization.
- Realize a mapping of key documents: policies, guidelines, methodologies and good practices around SRHR implementation in the Federation of SOS Children's Villages.
Research Questions:
- What are the referential frameworks, policies , guidelines and standards that guarantee the exercise of sexual rights and reproductive rights in the Federation of SOS Children's Villages? Consider federal, regional and national guidelines.
- What is the situation regarding access and inclusion of target group participants in relation to SRHR?
- To what extent do the services offered by SOS Children's Villages consider the incorporation of actions and services aimed at guaranteeing the exercise of sexual rights and reproductive rights in SOS Children's Villages?
- To what extent is knowledge and technical experience in SRHR recognized in care and psychosocial teams?
- What are the good practices, key barriers to SRHR, and recommendations for improvement?
Axes and Themes for Analysis:
- Access to sexual health and reproductive health services.
- Access to contraceptive methods.
- Prevention and care of adolescent pregnancy
- Promoting gender equity.
- Exposure to situations of sexual violence and harassment.
- Comprehensive and affective sexual education processes.
- Recognition due to sexual orientation and gender identity .
- Training and pedagogical mediation processes to guarantee sexual and reproductive rights.
- Implementation of SRHR in contexts of humanitarian crisis or particular situations (social, political, economic).
2. Methodology and Scope:
The proposed research is a diagnostic study of global scope, which considers the active participation of different key actors in the Federation of Children's Villages. Particularly relevant is the participation of adolescents and young people in the consultation process.
It is important to mention that this research is not expected to collect information in the field, so this research does not involve travel to the countries selected as a sample. Therefore, it is expected that the consulting team will be able to present a methodological proposal and specific tools based especially in a digital environment.
Given the global particularity of the research, it is expected that the methodology proposed by the research team considers the use of online digital tools and other strategies for the collection of information, for which the use of digital surveys, online interview, focal groups with key informants is proposed ((as outlined below in Figure 1).
It is expected that the consultancy can establish direct communication with at least 5 Member Associations or countries implementing services in the Federation of Children's Villages.
The consultancy is expected to develop a study using mixed methods (mixed methods = collection of primary qualitative data and secondary quantitative data and literature through documentary review) that provides adequate space for the lived experiences and voices of adolescents and young participants. The researchers will propose detailed methodology for the following:
a) Desk review (including review of existing (and gap ) data), academic and gray literature (including, SOS Children's Villages program database general information on regions and countries (data from demographic institutes), mapping of existing services that address sexual rights and reproductive rights.
b) Gathering qualitative and quantitative data with children, families and child welfare professionals, using digital tools and participatory methods where possible
- Reference materials for documentary review
- Policies , guidelines and standards of the Federation
- Position papers and regional strategies
- Concept notes and proposals for programs, services and projects.
- Anonymized reports from the participant database.
- Related national and local (assessment/research) reports from countries
Qualitative and Participatory Data Collection with Children, Families and Child Welfare Professionals:
Participatory Logic:
The use of participatory methodologies, such as the participation of adolescents and young people in the research project (eg in the form of a child/youth advisory council; possibly linked to empowerment networks ) is strongly desired. The methodology may also involve the use of creative methodologies adapted to the different ages, abilities and interests of the research participants.
Approach and Content:
Ethical principles when engaging in research with children and other vulnerable groups are of paramount importance and must take into account barriers related to participation and power dynamics. The SOS Children's Villages Code of Conduct as well as the Child Protection Policy must be followed during research, as well as the code of ethics of the respective research institution.
The research approach should include gender-responsive research methodology with due consideration to feminist research approaches. These are approaches that place gender at the centre of knowledge production process and pays attention to the different lived-experiences and viewpoints of men, women, girls and boys in all their diversities.
Language and Location:
As mentioned above, although the research is international in character, it does not contemplate travel to the countries, so the research will be conducted mainly online, using digital media. It will be highly valued if the consulting team has information or contacts at the international level that can enrich the research.
The consultancy should consider the translation of key documents and tools that will be shared with the different countries and participants. Similarly, language interpretation should be considered if focus groups or online interviews are required.
3. Qualification of the Investigator/Investigation Team:
Knowledge and Proven Experience in Social Research:
- Proven competence (record of previous experience) in related research projects (including qualitative and some quantitative analyses)
- Sound knowledge and experience in gender responsive research methodologies and feminist research approaches
- good facilitation, organizational and interpersonal skills
- proven experience in participatory processes and data collection methods (including age-appropriate data collection methods)
- strong skills to coordinate teamwork
- strong analytical and conceptual skills
- excellent written communication skills
- ability to transfer complex concepts and ideas into simple, practical language
Specific Technical Knowledge:
- Specialized knowledge in the area of sexual health, sexual and reproductive rights
- Relevant knowledge in the area of gender and mainstreaming of the gender perspective.
- Training in human rights approaches, sexual diversity approach and intersectionality approach.
- a good understanding of child protection and social protection work, including sensitivity to different socio-cultural contexts
- a good understanding of the impact and guarantee of the exercise of sexual rights and reproductive rights for the development of children, adolescents and young people.
- data collection experience with children and youth, and vulnerable groups
- The consultancy should be bilingual English-Spanish or have people with skills in handling both languages under its team.
- All documentation generated must be submitted in English.
- It includes a brief summary of specific information on the 5 countries consulted in the research process.
How to Apply:
If you are a person interested in applying for this consultancy please write to the following email. Maricruz Granados, maricruz.granados@sos-kd.org, requesting the terms of reference before Wednesday, April 12. The reception of applications closes on April 21.
SOS Children's Villages is committed to the rights of children, promoting a protection and gender approach, interculturality, inclusion and equal opportunities. It encourages the participation of men and women regardless of social group, gender or culture.