
Uganda: Conducting a Feasibility Study for a Freedom Fund Program to Tackle Forced and Child Marriage in Uganda

The Freedom Fund is seeking an experienced consultant to conduct a feasibility study into a possible program to combat child, early, and forced marriage and unions (CEFMU) in Uganda.
  • The Freedom Fund would like to commission a consultant by 1 May 2023.
  • Applicants should be based in Uganda or have a partner who is based in the country and who is part of the application.
  • Excellent written and spoken English is essential. Fluency in Luganda is highly desirable and will be given priority.
  • Experience in strategy development is highly desirable.
  • Knowledge of the civil society sector in Uganda and familiarity with the broader context and issues impacting girls in Uganda is essential.

Background on the Freedom Fund and our Hotspot Approach:

The Freedom Fund identifies and invests in the most effective frontline efforts to eradicate modern slavery in the countries and sectors where it is most prevalent. Partnering with investors, governments, anti-slavery organisations and those at risk of exploitation, we tackle the systems that allow slavery to persist and thrive.

The Freedom Fund carries out most of its work through support for multi-year “hotspot” programs, providing support through clusters of civil society organisations. This allows us to concentrate significant resources in geographic areas with high levels of modern slavery, so that we can achieve greater impact. Much of our support focuses on community-based local organisations; we see them as the most effective agents of change, with capacity to deeply understand and challenge the status quo.

Strategy Development for a Freedom Fund Program in Uganda: 

In 2022, the Freedom Fund explored the potential of expanding our portfolio of work within Africa to include a hotspot on child, early, and forced marriage and unions (CEFMU). Through an in-depth analysis, several countries were shortlisted as assessed by a number of indicators including the rate of CEFMU, government commitment to address the issue, presence of civil society, and operational feasibility. Through this analysis, the Freedom Fund selected Uganda, to develop a potential strategy. Within East Africa, Freedom Fund currently operates in Kenya with a program focused on addressing exploitative child domestic work. Including a program on CEFMU in Uganda would not only complement existing work, but also allow for greater regional support of and potential collaboration between programs.

Despite child marriage being outlawed in Uganda, up to 34% of girls are married before their 18th birthday, representing 5 million child brides.[1](link is external) A strategy for Uganda will need to take into consideration the regional and ethnic differences in CEFMU across the country, recognising both harmful cultural practices, such as arranged child marriage, and the influence of traditional leaders in shaping local practices and norms. The intersectionality of other key issues impacting girls should also be included in the strategy, such as child labour and migration of children to seek work abroad, access to healthcare, household economic security, and education. Lastly, the impact of covid-19 should not be ignored as Uganda had a significant lockdown, leading to the longest closure of schools worldwide and an increase in child marriage and adolescent pregnancy, mostly in rural areas.

The Freedom Fund is aware that high levels of deprivation in the Karamoja region have contributed to CEFMU, child labour, and the trafficking of Karamojong children to other parts of Uganda and to Kenya. It is expected that the feasibility study will include a significant research component in Karamoja.

Scope of the Consultancy: 

The strategy report to be provided will build on the existing information included above, filling gaps and updating the context, data and insights as relevant. Specifically, the consultant will:

  • Develop a 5-year outline of aFreedom Fund hotspot strategy for addressing CEFMU in Uganda, inclusive of budget, based on the Freedom Fund’s hotspot model and standard approaches (these will be shared in more detail with the successful applicant).
    • The strategy will determine the most effective leverage points for the Freedom Fund to mobilise local organisations, international actors, and national and regional government agencies to more effectively coordinate anti-slavery action and reduce CEFMU.
  • Undertake a stakeholder mapping (including international NGOs, local community-based organisations and government) incorporating geographic coverage and programmatic responses to identify gaps and areas of greatest need.
  • Recommend the geographic area(s) that a possible Uganda hotspot program could focus on.
  • Identify potential locally based partners with experience delivering programs addressing CEFMU, or other relevant work, e.g. child labour, labour migration, etc.
  • Identify the most impactful interventions, partnerships and approaches that are likely to significantly reduce incidences of CEFMU in Uganda
  • Assess any risks or challenges in setting up a hotspot program.

Expressions of Interest: 

Informal queries relating to the consultancy should be submitted to Hannah Elliott at the following address:

Timeline and Submission Instructions: 

  • 29th March 2023: Circulation of consultancy opportunity
  • 14th April 2023: Deadline for submission of proposals for the consultancy
  • 21st April 2023: Shortlisted applicants will be notified and contacted for interview.
  • 1st May 2023: Contract signed with selected applicant.

How to Apply: 

Applications should include:

  • A cover letter outlining relevant skills and experience.
  • Up-to-date CVs of the team.
  • Estimated number of days and daily rate to complete the consultancy.
  • A sample of a strategy you have developed in the past (if applicable). Alternatively, a previous piece of work which illustrates your research and writing skills. If this focuses on Uganda or CEFMU, this would be an advantage.
  • All documents must be written in English and submitted electronically in Microsoft Word or PDF form.

Applications should be submitted to with Uganda CEFMU in the subject line by 14 April 2023.

For further information, please view the ToR on our website - is external)

The Freedom Fund
Type of work