Online Survey - Addressing Recruitment of Children by Armed Groups Designated as Terrorist Organisations

Building on existing resources such as the Paris Principles Operational Handbook and the CAAFAG Toolkit, the CAAFAG Taskforce is developing a new Technical Note on recruitment and use of AGDTO, on the request of members of the Taskforce and Global Alliance. Noting the information already available, we are keen to make sure that the Technical Note includes additional, specific, and very practical considerations that would be useful to you in helping prevention and response to recruitment and use by such groups in the countries that you work in. Completing this short questionnaire will help us make sure we are responding to your programming concerns.
This questionnaire is aimed at colleagues who are working in countries and regions that are affected by AGDTO and who are working to address recruitment and use by such groups.
It takes less than 10 minutes to complete and is confidential. Information will be used only by the small group of CP colleagues from the CAAFAG Taskforce who are developing the technical note and will not be shared further. Take the survey in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Arabic.
We kindly ask you to share widely the survey with your teams. The deadline is the 21st of April.