Advocating for the Protection of Children – Getting the Message Right

A bank of key advocacy messages for child protection and a guide to support contextualisation of the messages will be developed in 2023 and launched in 2024!
Which topics or issues would you like to prioritised?
Other ideas we should take into consideration?
Examples of successful advocacy messages or processes that you would like to share?
Please share your input with UNHCR, who is leading on this initiative, by writing to this email:
Please stay tuned on this page to get the latest updates regarding the initiative!
Why this initiative? Find out more below!
Collective advocacy – especially when done in sync at various levels of decision makers – can have a powerful impact on the protection of children in humanitarian action. Organisations with expertise in Child Protection in Humanitarian Action have a wealth of technical expertise and messages across a broad range of child protection themes and issues. Yet, messages are often reinvented or redrafted, especially in settings where there are already challenges in advocacy capacity. In fact, colleagues around the world reach out to us with a pressing need for more support on child protection advocacy and getting the messages right.
We think that a helpful way forward is to have “global bank” of child protection advocacy messages that can be used as inspiration and adapted to the context and needs. The messages will be on various issues and themes on child protection and for different targeted audiences. A guide (or SOP) to support adaptation of the messages to different contexts and situations will also be developed.
This bank of key messages and guide to adapt the messages to the context will be a strong advocacy tool and help to streamline the messages and ultimately help to get the message right in an easier and more effective way!