Home-based: Call for Application for Mid-Term Review Consultancy
Save the Children Italy is looking for a Consultancy Team to conduct the Mid-Term Evaluation of the project implemented by Save The Children under the Ferrero partnership framework.
The " Stop child labour in cocoa sourcing communities " project started in December 2020 and will last a total of 5 years. The general objective is to contribute to the well-being and overall development of children, adolescents and youth in the cocoa farming communities linked to the Ferrero supply chain in Ivory Coast and Ghana, by reducing the risk factors of child labour and hazardous work.
This study is being conducted at the mid-term of the project aiming at assessing the progress of the two partnership components, how they evolved from the project outset, and identify recommendations for the way forward.
Given the scope and diversity of issues covered in this Mid-Term Evaluation, SC has imagined a composite Study team with distinctive responsibilities (International Team leader and CIV and Ghana local Evaluators). Of course, the team leader will be able to suggest an alternative division of labour or a different study composition or structure, in consideration of the team members’ expertise and th requirements detailed in the ToR.
Interested consultants will be required to submit an Expression of Interest in line with the template provided as Annex 1, which should demonstrate adherence to the ToR requirements and propose a methodology and a budget.
How to Apply:
To apply, follow the instructions in the following link