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Call for Papers and Presenters! East and Southern Africa Regional Symposium on Male and Child Adolescent Survivors of GBV: Service Delivery and Prevention Perspectives

Regional GBV Working Group for East and Southern Africa

Members of the Regional GBV Working Group for East and Southern Africa are pleased to share that we will be hosting a regional Symposium on Male Child and Adolescent Survivors of Gender-Based Violence with a focus on Service Delivery and Prevention(link is external).  

The event is being co-hosted by the following member organizations: Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, UNHCR, Plan International, Population Council, Canadian Grains Bank and ECPAT International.

This Symposium will bring together practitioners/GBV frontline workers, researchers, academicians and policy makers who are leading, researching, engaging with and/or implementing programmes relevant to the thematic focus of the symposium. The event will feature key note speakers/experts from various organizations working on related thematic areas. 

DATE: Tuesday 26th September 2023.

TIME: From 9:00am-5:00pm East Africa time.

MODE OF DELIVERY: The Symposium will be virtual through an online platform. English will be the main language of engagement with potential for concurrent translation in French and/or Arabic.


Please contact Christine Apio:; George Odwe: OR Camilla Jones: should you have any further question or need of clarification.

Please submit your proposal by Friday 18th August, outlining what you plan to share in your 15–20-minute session, and how and how you meet the following criteria. Please use no more than 2 pages in 11 pt font. 

Below are the criteria that shall be used by the selection committee to review, vet and select proposed presentations.

  • Relevance to the meeting theme / sub-themes / additional interesting themes.
  • Usefulness: GBV and Child Protection actors and wider humanitarian and development actors can benefit from the gap in knowledge that the session addresses.
  • Clarity and presentation: The proposal clearly describes key messages and outcomes of the session are clearly described.
  • Desirable: The proposal clearly articulates challenges and lessons learned that are frank and insightful and provide relevant learnings.
  • Interactiveness: The proposal clearly describes the methodologies to make the session engaging and/or interactive.
  • The proposal mentions the target audience and how to reach out to them.  
  • Desirable: The proposal includes/provides a strong example from a women-led, youth-led or national / local organisations.

Find more information in the Concept Note below! 

Gender-based violence
Mental health and psychosocial support