Call for Papers and Presenters! East and Southern Africa Regional Symposium on Male and Child Adolescent Survivors of GBV: Service Delivery and Prevention Perspectives
Members of the Regional GBV Working Group for East and Southern Africa are pleased to share that we will be hosting a regional Symposium on Male Child and Adolescent Survivors of Gender-Based Violence with a focus on Service Delivery and Prevention.
The event is being co-hosted by the following member organizations: Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, UNHCR, Plan International, Population Council, Canadian Grains Bank and ECPAT International.
This Symposium will bring together practitioners/GBV frontline workers, researchers, academicians and policy makers who are leading, researching, engaging with and/or implementing programmes relevant to the thematic focus of the symposium. The event will feature key note speakers/experts from various organizations working on related thematic areas.
DATE: Tuesday 26th September 2023.
TIME: From 9:00am-5:00pm East Africa time.
MODE OF DELIVERY: The Symposium will be virtual through an online platform. English will be the main language of engagement with potential for concurrent translation in French and/or Arabic.
Please contact Christine Apio:; George Odwe: OR Camilla Jones: should you have any further question or need of clarification.
Please submit your proposal by Friday 18th August, outlining what you plan to share in your 15–20-minute session, and how and how you meet the following criteria. Please use no more than 2 pages in 11 pt font.
Below are the criteria that shall be used by the selection committee to review, vet and select proposed presentations.
- Relevance to the meeting theme / sub-themes / additional interesting themes.
- Usefulness: GBV and Child Protection actors and wider humanitarian and development actors can benefit from the gap in knowledge that the session addresses.
- Clarity and presentation: The proposal clearly describes key messages and outcomes of the session are clearly described.
- Desirable: The proposal clearly articulates challenges and lessons learned that are frank and insightful and provide relevant learnings.
- Interactiveness: The proposal clearly describes the methodologies to make the session engaging and/or interactive.
- The proposal mentions the target audience and how to reach out to them.
- Desirable: The proposal includes/provides a strong example from a women-led, youth-led or national / local organisations.
Find more information in the Concept Note below!