Home-based: Consultant SOW - Child Protection Researcher
Save the Children’s Research, Evidence and Learning team in the Department of Education and Child Protection under the International Programs Division is a team of applied researchers and knowledge professionals that collaboratively generate and disseminate research in education and child protection that bridges the humanitarian and development nexus. We support program colleagues with evidence to inform high-quality programs. The evidence we generate and share drives thought leadership and advocacy in the education and child protection sectors. This role will provide support to two primary research projects, as described below:
School Violence Research in Humanitarian Contexts:
Save the Children is carrying out a three-country research study to examine the impact and effectiveness of programming to address violence in and around school settings in humanitarian contexts. While a growing body of evidence exists on effective programming in high-resource and development settings, there is a considerable gap in rigorous evaluations that seek to examine the impact of interventions to address school-related violence in contexts affected by armed conflict, internal displacement, and other humanitarian events. Without a robust evidence base, there is much to be learned regarding how best to prevent and respond to violence in and around school contexts in crisis-affected settings.
To build much-needed evidence in this area, the study led by Save the Children will take place in Syria, Colombia, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), and will involve a mixed method, quasi-experimental approach. The study will also give particular attention to the situation of girls as well as education taking place in both formal and non-formal settings. Findings will be used to inform future research and programming. This project and associated deliverables are contingent on funding.
In addition to the School Violence Research, Save the Children is revising its Safe Schools Common Approach, which seeks to protect children and promote learning and wellbeing in and around schools in diverse settings across the world. As part of these revisions, a toolkit on monitoring, evaluation and research for this programmatic approach is also being revised.
Child-Sensitive Social Protection (CSSP) Research:
Save the Children is engaging in research in several countries to examine the added impact of a parenting intervention in addition to cash transfer programming for low-income families. The goal of this research is to increase caregiver practices as well as child outcomes, and to build evidence that can inform programming in countries participating in the study and beyond. This role will focus on the studies in India and Nepal, where baseline studies have been conducted, and the next phase of the project will follow-up data collection as well as writing final reports comparing children and caregivers’ outcomes over time.
I. Deliverables and Timeline:
School Violence Research:
1.1 Provide technical support to staff in Colombia, the DRC, and Syria based on the existing study design and plans for the research. Consult with other members of the team (SCI technical advisors, etc.) on plans for data collection training.
- October- December
- 10 days
1.2 Review research design protocols with in-country staff for local Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) submission and provided technical support as needed. Ensure submission of study protocols to Save the Children’s Ethical Review Committee (ERC) based on existing study plan.
- October
- 5 days
2.1 Review and revise the monitoring, evaluation and research toolkit of the Safe Schools Common Approach in collaboration with the Protecting Children in and Around Schools Technical Working Group
- October
- 8 days
Child-Sensitive Social Protection (CSSP):
3.1 Consult with India and Nepal country teams along with Technical Advisors from Save the Children Finland on analysis and data collection
- September - November
- 2 days
3.2 Analyze data from follow-up studies in India and Nepal, collaborating with Senior Advisor and Technical Advisors in country and from Save the Children Finland
- Sept - Oct
- 10 days
3.3 Write final reports comparing data from baseline and follow-up data collection for India and Nepal, collaborating with Senior Advisor and Technical Advisors in country and from Save the Children Finland
- Oct - Nov
- 10 days
3.4 Submit final deliverables to India and Nepal COs, SC Finland project managers, and SCUS Senior Advisor
- Dec 31
- 1 day
- Proficiency in data analysis software, Stata preferred.
- Minimum of three years’ experience in child protection research, data analysis and report writing
- Skilled in working in a collaborative, multicultural environment involving multiple stakeholders
- Fluency in written and spoken English required
Period of Engagement: September 2023 – December 31, 2023. The consultant will work 45 days, at the rate of $64.29/hour).
Payment: Payment will be made in two installments: 50% shall be paid upon submission of data analysis files (Stata .do files) and 50% will be paid upon successful delivery and acceptance of final products.
For the School Violence Research, the consultant will lead on the review and development of the IRB and ERC protocols as needed and will provide technical support on issues related to training and research study design to country teams. For the Safe Schools Common approach, the consultant will lead on revisions to the monitoring, evaluation and research toolkit, in consultation with other members of the Protecting Children in and Around Schools TWG. For the CSSP research, the consultant will lead on data analysis and report writing from follow-up data collection in Nepal and India. The scope and timeline of this work will be discussed beforehand and determined by SCUS staff to ensure appropriate projects are taken on given budgeted hours available for this consultancy.
Final Reporting:
In the week of December 18-22, 2023, the consultant will create a deliverable report for review. This should include a summary, progress against SOW deliverables, and all documents generated during the consultancy. Final deliverables after review by Save the Children will be shared by December 31, 2023. Upon completion of deliverables, the consultant will provide a comprehensive handover note detailing the status of existing activities/projects.
Management of Consultancy:
The consultant’s main point of contact will be Dr. Allyson Krupar and will be supported by Mukesh Lath and Disa Sjoblom in Save the Children Finland for the CSSP research. For the School Violence research study, the consultant will work with colleagues in the Colombia, DRC, and Syria offices as appropriate. For the review of the Safe Schools Common Approach monitoring, evaluation and research guidelines, the main point of contact will be Sarah Morgan of the Protecting Children in and around Schools TWG. Colin Wheately and Michelle Burns will be the point of contact on the contract and billing issues.
How to Apply:
Proposals should be submitted no later than 28th August. Proposals can be submitted via email to akrupar@savechildren.org.
Proposals must include:
- CV and cover letter
- Detailed work plan for consultancy
- Implementation strategy and approach for the scope of work
- Detailed, costed budget
All qualified persons making a submission will receive consideration for the contract opportunity without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or national origin, disability or status as a protected veteran.