
Syria: Protection Coordinator (Protection Mainstreaming)

About the Job: 

The Protection Coordinator is a member of Extended Senior Management Team with DRC Syria, responsible for leading country level protection analysis and strategy development and implementation; protection mainstreaming to DRC’s other sectors and partners; leading and overseeing Protection sectoral technical line supervision responsibilities for protection staff and interventions that contain protection, throughout the programme / project cycle; ensure quality protection sectoral programming and compliance with protection sector standards, including leading monitoring and evaluation efforts, staff capacity building and training, development of protection tools and approaches; and technically lead protection sectoral coordination and representation efforts. Protection Coordinator works under direct line management of the DRC Head of Programme, and under technical supervision of the Regional Protection Coordinator.

Duties and Responsibilities

1. Protection Programme Development, Oversight and Quality Assurance: 

  • Lead protection analysis efforts and update protection strategy and Implementation Plan based on evolving context in Syria through continuous analysis, programme learning and engagement with internal and external stakeholders.
  • Roll out protection strategy in the Main Office and the Area Offices
  • Lead and contribute to the design and finalisation of all protection sectoral interventions in proposals and projects.
  • Provide technical review of all proposals that include protection interventions.
  • Oversee compilation of project related internal and external reports and communication.
  • Maintain oversight of overall protection programme implementation, including budgets and indicators, in close collaboration with HoP, area managers and protection managers.
  • Participate in protection programme / project review meetings, including grant opening, grant review and close out meetings.
  • Develop and roll out relevant tools and Standard Operating Procedures for quality protection programming as necessary
  • Ensure the development of appropriate monitoring, tracking, and reporting systems, tools and templates to ensure the use of data for decision-making processes.
  • Undertake regular quality review and site monitoring to ensure protection interventions are provided according to established policies, guidance, and Standard Operating Procedures.
  • Identify, document, and share best practices between field offices.
  • Lead the self-assessment based on the Protection Minimum Operating Procedures (P-MOPs) once a year and contribute to the annual Protection Survey.
  • Oversee knowledge sharing across protection teams and sites

2. Protection Analysis and Evidenced Based Advocacy: 

  • Develop appropriate methodology and tools for identification, prioritization, continuous monitoring and analysis of protection risks; build capacity of relevant DRC and partner staff in data collection methodologies
  • Working closely with the MEAL team, oversee technical data collection process, being responsible for ensuring all required tools and templates are in place; address any gaps in the collection / analysis of data; backstop the team leader when necessary for day-to-day monitoring; review/prepare analysis for internal and external stakeholders.
  • Ensure the operational procedures (e.g., approvals) are followed to mitigate risks to staff and respondents.
  • Lead the methodological design and oversight of protection assessments, research, and evaluations, to ensure sufficient rigor and quality of evidence generated
  • Provide technical inputs to the MEAL team’s efforts in the development and implementation of baseline, mid-term, and final evaluation of projects, ensuring that lessons are captured and disseminated.
  • Oversee that testimonies and case studies are collected regularly to document key outcomes and impact of the programme interventions, making sure that learning activities are disseminated properly.
  • Together with Advocacy colleagues, prepare advocacy and policy briefs

3. Protection Mainstreaming: 

  • Develop and maintain effective relations with all programmes by leading coordination of protection mainstreaming across all sectors
  • Act as consortium protection mainstreaming technical lead; carry out protection mainstreaming assessment of the consortium programme covering all sectors and identify gaps, good practices, challenges, and opportunities and develop appropriate recommendations.
  • Develop an action plan based on agreed upon priorities.
  • Develop contextualized tools for planning, implementing, and tracking protection mainstreaming initiatives.
  • Build capacity of DRC staff and partner staff in protection mainstreaming

4. Technical Supervision: 

  • Technically supervise, provide technical advice and guidance to protection sectoral staff, and authority to instruct – including issuing instructions and providing strategic direction on issues related to the protection sector
  • Responsible for participating in human resource processes, including the recruitment of protection sectoral technical staff in country, establishing minimum technical requirements for protection positions, and setting performance objectives and performance appraisals
  • Responsible for identifying protection sectoral technical gaps and establishing capacity building plans for protection sectoral staff
  • Work closely with relevant protection staff in the development and delivery of capacity building efforts
  • Provide regular technical support and guidance to protection teams and other relevant (protection, other sectoral, and others) staff in both a structured and on a case-by-case basis.

5. Coordination and Representation: 

  • Represent DRC and actively contribute to protection sector coordination fora at the country level
  • Lead DRC’s protection sector coordination and collaboration efforts with relevant stakeholders including government, civil society, NGOs, and UN
  • Actively engage and contribute to DRC protection related advocacy efforts
  • Promote integrated programming and ensure internal coordination and harmonization of DRC protection interventions across sites and with other core sectors, as relevant
  • Act as the main sector level point of contact with donors
  • Be a resource for other sectors’ protection mainstreaming efforts

Experience and Technical Competencies: (include years of experience)

  • Proven experience of at least 5 years working in the protection sector and management of protection programmes
  • Bachelor of Arts degree, preferably in a field directly relevant to humanitarian protection, or appropriate level and combination of expertise and experience
  • Track record of developing and implementing protection mainstreaming across different sectors
  • Strong understanding of global protection sector standards, protection analysis, and Results-Based Protection
  • Knowledge and experience designing, implementing, and monitoring and evaluating protection interventions within two or more of DRC’s Protection sector components: Gender-Based Violence, Child Protection, Protection Information Management, Community-Based Protection, Mental Health and Psychosocial Support, and/or Legal Aid.
  • Proven communication, interpersonal, representation, negotiation, promotion, and diplomacy skills
  • Strategic thinker with the ability to quickly develop good insight and understanding of humanitarian, political and human rights situations in the relevant context.
  • Proven strong analytical thinker and problem solver
  • Experience with technical management of teams
  • Experience in providing technical guidance and developing and providing learning activities
  • Experience in project development (including proposal writing), implementation and MEAL for protection programmes
  • Cultural sensitivity and adaptability
  • Ability to manage a high workload and manage stress
  • Proven ability to manage stakeholders with strong communication, coordination, influencing and interpersonal skills.
  • Commitment to humanitarian principles and DRC values.


Bachelor of Arts degree, preferably in a field directly relevant to humanitarian protection, or appropriate level and combination of expertise and experience


  • English – fluent
  • Arabic- preferred

In this position, you are expected to demonstrate DRC’ five core competencies:

  • Striving for excellence: You focus on reaching results while ensuring an efficient process.
  • Collaborating: You involve relevant parties and encourage feedback.
  • Taking the lead: You take ownership and initiative while aiming for innovation.
  • Communicating: You listen and speak effectively and honestly.
  • Demonstrating integrity: You act in line with our vision and values.

We Offer: 

  • Contract length: 1 year
  • Level: Non-Management / Band F
  • Location: Damascus – Syria
  • Expected Start date: October-2023

How to Apply: 

Interested? Then apply for this position by clicking on the below link:

All applicants must send a cover letter and an updated CV (no longer than four pages). Both must be in the same language as this vacancy note. CV only applications will not be considered.

Applications close 31 August 2023.

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Type of work