
Home-based: Regional Research on the Analysis of South Asian Human Rights Mechanism (SAHRM) Consultancy


Plan International is an independent development and humanitarian organisation that advances children’s rights and equality for girls. As an independent development and humanitarian organisation, we work alongside children, young people, our supporters, and partners to tackle the root causes of the challenges facing girls and all vulnerable children. We support children’s rights from birth until they reach adulthood and enable children to prepare for and respond to crises and adversity. We drive changes in practice and policy at local, national, and global levels using our reach, experience, and knowledge. For over 80 years we have been building powerful partnerships for children, and we are active in over 75 countries.

Background and Rationale: 

The context of human rights and civic space in South Asia is multifaceted, encompassing both achievements and challenges. While significant progress has been made in certain areas, the region also faces numerous human rights concerns and limitations on civic space.

South Asia is marked by a diverse media landscape, with vibrant journalism and a growing digital space. However, restrictions on freedom of expression, including censorship, harassment of journalists, and the use of defamation laws to stifle dissent, persist in some countries. Journalists and media outlets face threats, intimidation, and violence, which can hinder the free flow of information. Human rights defenders in South Asia play a crucial role in promoting and protecting human rights. But they often face threats, harassment, and violence for their work. Intimidation tactics, including surveillance, arbitrary arrests, and judicial harassment, are used to silence activists. Protection mechanisms for human rights defenders are inadequate, and impunity for attacks against them remains a concern. South Asia grapples with challenges related to gender equality and women's rights. Issues such as gender-based violence, discrimination, child marriage, and limited access to education and healthcare persist. Efforts to address these issues have been made, including legal reforms and initiatives to empower women. However, implementation gaps, cultural norms, and societal attitudes continue to hinder progress in achieving gender equality. On the other hand, while counterterrorism efforts are necessary, there have been concerns about human rights violations in the name of national security. Counterterrorism legislation and practices should be in line with international human rights standards to prevent arbitrary detention, torture, and other human rights abuses.

Although South Asian has enabled the region to make substantial headway in the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, countries in Asia and the Pacific will not be able to fulfil their 2030 commitments without achieving gender equality and the empowerment of girls and women including ensuring that there is an enabling environment for girls and women participation in civic space. While South Asian countries are bound by international human rights treaties, the region should try to find out comprehensive regional human rights framework. Establishing a human rights mechanism would allow for the development of regional standards, protocols, and guidelines that complement and reinforce international human rights law.

These standards can address specific regional challenges and help bridge any gaps in human rights protection within the region. A regional mechanism would provide an opportunity for countries to collaborate, share experiences, and develop comprehensive strategies to tackle these shared issues collectively.

The establishment of a dedicated Human Rights Mechanism for South Asia is essential due to several key reasons. The region faces various human rights challenges that demand collective action and cooperation among its nations. A regional mechanism would serve as a platform to address these issues effectively, promote accountability, and ensure the protection and promotion of human rights for all individuals in South Asia. To have a clear overview on the South Asian Human Rights mechanism it’s needed to dig out the existing mechanism for improving the connection among the intergovernmental, regional civil societies & Human Rights Defender in favor of upholding the human rights at regional level.

Plan International is implementing a project Our Voices Our Choices (OVOC) This project intends to strengthen an enabling environment for youth/women-led civil society participation and engagement. It aims to facilitate CSOs and youth networks as independent actors who hold their governments to account, and to amplify the outcomes they seek in their societies. The OVOC Consortium is a partnership between Plan International, Article 19, the Feminist Dalit Organization (FEDO), Phayao Youth News Agency (PYNA), and Thailand Youth Institute (TYI). Under this project, we will be conducting research on Human Rights mechanisms in South Asia. The aim is to explore the current context and make recommendations for enhancing the human rights mechanism at the regional level in South Asia. Plan International will consult and explore strategic partnerships for this research piece with Forum Asia, the Asia Democracy Network, Civicus, CRC Asia, Working Groups of SAARC, Asia Parliamentarians on Human Rights, Asian Human Rights Forum, UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights, SAIEVAC, Youth organizations under CSS projects of Sida Civsam among others.

Research Objectives: 

  1. To identify existing complaint and emergency support mechanisms, gaps, particular for human rights defenders particularly for girls and young women in South Asia.
  2. To find the barriers/ challenges/ impact for the absence of human rights mechanism at regional level for South Asia.
  3. To map out or identify alternative, supportive, and responsive existing human rights mechanisms to support and protect human rights defenders especially girls and young women at regional level (South Asia) and global level.
  4. To identify possible interventions in terms of SAARC/other regional mechanism (if any) policy/programs/project in making the complaint and emergency support mechanisms more responsive.
  5. To draft a youth declaration on the need for strengthening complaint and emergency support mechanisms for protection of human rights defenders especially girls and young women in South Asia.
  6. To draft guideline or policy recommendations to strengthen compliant and emergency support mechanisms for human rights defenders especially girls and young women in SAARC.

Research Questions: 

The research should aim to answer the following key research questions:

  1. What are the existing complaint and emergency support mechanisms, gaps/ hindering factors for the absence of a human rights mechanism, particular for human rights defenders particularly for girls & youth in South Asia?
  2. What are the human rights mechanisms for alternative, supportive and responsive complaint and emergency mechanisms to support and protect human rights defenders at the regional (SA) and global level? How do they work?
  3. Is there any Human Rights mechanism in South Asia? If no, what are the barriers/ challenges/ impact of the absence of SARHM particularly for Young HR defenders?
  4. How responsive are these mechanisms to the needs and experiences of girls and young women human rights defenders?
  5. What is the perspective of youth & HRD especially girls and young women activists about the Human Rights mechanism in South Asia?
  6. How the National Human Rights commission of the Asian Countries respond to the Human Rights defenders especially the girls and youth?
  7. What are the recommendations especially from the youth for South Asian Human rights Mechanism?
  8. Proposed guidelines based on the recommendations and findings analysis to strengthen compliant and emergency support mechanisms for human rights defenders, especially girls and young women in SAARC.

Scope of Work: 

The consultant shall lead the following process in consultation with Plan Asia and Pacific Hub team, Country Offices, Regional Partners, Regional Youth-led organisations, Regional Human Right Defender Organisations:

  • Conduct desk review of available publications, reports, research, recommendations, materials, and tools, related to human rights mechanisms and protection of human rights defenders in South Asia and global level as relevant.
  • Conduct survey (semi structured) translated into local languages (as necessary) with girls and young women advocates in South Asian Countries, and with relevant regional bodies, and national human rights institutions.
  • Conduct Key Informant Interview, Focus Group Discussion, and case studies with identified participants

Suggested Research Methods: 

  1. Primary data collection: Survey, Focused Group Discussions, Key Information interviews
  2. Secondary review: Desk review of available publications, reports, research, recommendations, materials, and tools etc.

Key Deliverables: 

The consultant will work in close collaboration with the APAC Regional Research Working Group1. The following deliverables are expected from the consultant (s) after signing the contract (Deliverable / Format / Length / Due)

  1. An inception Report which would include (not limit in) / Word / Not more than 15 pages / 31 August 2023.
  2. Tools and materials submission according to the final inception report / As appropriate (PDF, Word, survey link, etc.) / N/A / 01 September 2023.
  3. Draft report containing on the findings of desk review/secondary data review / word doc / Maximum 15pages /20 September 2023.
  4. Draft research report containing (1) findings of desk review, (2) findings of primary data, (3) case studies, (4) map out of alternative complaints and emergency support mechanism (6) a youth declaration on the need for strengthening complaint and emergency support mechanisms, and (7) policy guideline / Word doc / Maximum 30 pages / 20th November 2023
  5. Final research report containing (1) findings of desk review, (2) findings of primary data, (3) case studies, (4) map out of alternative complaints and emergency support mechanism (6) a youth declaration on the need for strengthening complaint and emergency support mechanisms, and (7) policy guideline / Word doc / Maximum 30 pages / 1st December 2023.
  6. PowerPoint presentations (3)
    • SAHRM including Primary and secondary findings, map of existing mechanism,
      • A youth declaration on the need for strengthening complaint and emergency support mechanisms
      • Guideline or policy recommendations to strengthen compliant and emergency support mechanisms for human rights defenders especially girls and young women in SAARC PowerPoint / N/A / 20th December 2023

Ethics and Child Protection: 

Plan International is committed to ensuring that the rights of those participating in data collection or analysis are respected and protected, in accordance with Ethical MERL Framework and our Child and Youth Safeguarding Policy(link is external). All applicants should include details in their proposal on how they will ensure ethics and child protection in the data collection process, if any. Specifically, the consultant(s) shall explain how appropriate, safe, non- discriminatory participation of all stakeholders will be ensured and how special attention will be paid to the needs of children and other vulnerable groups. The consultant(s) shall also explain how confidentiality and anonymity of participants will be guaranteed.


The consultant should propose budget including VAT together with the proposed methodology in the research proposal for this consultancy work. The consultant is invited to submit a single budget for this consultancy. Payment will be made based on agreed amounts in the consultant’s contract, and upon approval of invoices.

Tentative Timeframe and Estimated Working Days: 

The assignment is estimated to be completed within 45 days starting from 10st August 2023 and to be completed by 31st December 2023. The timeframe is indicative and can be re- evaluated in consultation between Plan International and the consultant (s).

Use of the Research: 

The primary users of the research will be Plan International program, advocacy and campaign staff in Asia and the Pacific Country Offices. The Regional Hub will also use the findings.

  1. To strategically utilise them as an influencing tool to draw attention of the public and policy makers at national especially at the regional level to create (if necessary), and make existing mechanisms responsive to the needs and experiences of young human rights defenders especially young women and girls.
  2. To offer a source of data for civil society organizations and young human rights defenders to advocate for a function and responsive human rights mechanisms.

Intended Audience of the Research: 

The intended external audiences of the research will be SAARC, regional stakeholders, Human Rights Defenders, academy, non-governmental organisations, think-tanks and civil society.

Qualifications of the Consultant: 

Academic Qualification:

  • Advanced university degree in social sciences, research or other fields related to the scope of the assignment.

Technical Knowledge, Skills and Experience:

  • Minimum 10 years of experience conducting and coordinating research related to youth engagement and activism, gender equality, girls’ and women’s empowerment, climate justice
  • Strong understanding of the gendered challenges faced by girls and women in South Asia required.
  • Experience in qualitative research methods including document review, interviews, coding, analysis and reporting required.
  • Strong understanding of human rights issues and the work of human rights defenders especially of women and girls.
  • Strong understanding of ASEAN and SAARC and the regional mechanisms in general
  • Excellent report writing, presentation and communication skills in the English language
  • Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to quickly incorporate feedback from different individuals

Evaluation Criteria: 

Candidates will be evaluated in following (Criteria / Weight): 

  • Academic qualification / 20%
  • Technical knowledge, skills and experience / 20%
  • Detailing Methodology /Technical proposal / 40%
  • Financial proposal / 20%

Total 100 %

How to Apply: 

Interested applicants should provide a proposal covering the following aspects:

  • Detailed response to the TOR
  • Proposed methodology
  • Proposed timelines
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Three references
  • Example of previous work related to the research focus and scope of the assignment.
  • Detailed budget, including daily fee rates inclusive of taxes, etc.

Please send your application to by this 04 September 2023, referring " Regional Research on the analysis of SAHRM Consultancy" on the subject.

Plan International
Type of work