
Home-based: Request for Proposals - Project Implementation Services - Child Protection

Project Implementation Services - Child protection

January 2024 to October 2024

ECPAT International – Project MUKTI South Asia

Organisational Context: 

ECPAT International is a global network of organisations working together for the elimination of the sexual exploitation of children in all its manifestations i.e. exploitation of children in prostitution, online child sexual exploitation, sale and trafficking of children for sexual purposes, sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism and some forms of child, early and forced marriage. The ECPAT Network currently consists of 126 members working at national and local levels in 104 countries. The ECPAT Secretariat coordinates the global work of ECPAT and is based in Bangkok, Thailand.


With funding from the U.S. Department of State’s Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, a cohort of organisations, led by ECPAT Luxembourg is implementing the MUKTI South Asia project in India Bangladesh, and Nepal. The project aims to strengthen anti-trafficking responses by addressing critical shortcomings in protection for victims of child trafficking for sexual purposes. The project engages with a variety of different entities and organisations – including government, civil society, frontline workers, etc. - at multiple levels to strengthen the capacities and knowledge to coordinate efficiently to protect and care for survivors of trafficking of children for sexual purposes.

In the context of the Mukti South Asia project, ECPAT International, as one of the project partners, aims to contribute to improved care of survivors of trafficking for sexual purposes during childhood through trauma-informed practices building on the lived experiences of survivors and the realities of service providers in the target countries.

ECPAT International will be responsible for primary research aimed at assessing the quality, availability and usefulness of support services for victims and survivors of trafficking of children for sexual purposes. The methodologies to be used draw from ECPAT’s solid research experience of surveying frontline workers and conducting carefully designed conversations with young people who have experienced sexual exploitation and abuse(link is external). Information collected from survivors and frontline workers are aimed at informing services’ planning and provision. Promoting the voices and perspectives of victims of sexual exploitation is also a strategic objective of ECPAT International and a cross-cutting issue.


ECPAT International is seeking qualified three-member team of individuals to implement qualitative and quantitative research activities and provide overall administrative and logistical support for the implementation of the project in India (exact 3 locations to be agreed and selected). Specific activities include:

Kick-off and Preparation: 

  • Participate in a workshop organized by ECPAT International to discuss project planning; receive training on the overall project methodology; define child safeguarding frameworks and standards for the project; and support in the contextualization and adaptation of the methodology itself;
  • Participate in online coordination calls with the ECPAT International team.

Conversations with Survivors: 

  • In collaboration with ECPAT International, Mukti South Asia project partners and ECPAT member organizations in the country, establish partnerships with support services working with survivors of child trafficking for sexual purposes in order to generate engagement and support the identification of the participants to the conversations;
  • Identify participants and conduct a total of 20 conversations per location (3) with young people (16-24 years) who have experienced trafficking for sexual purposes in childhood (i.e. before 18 years of age). The conversations approach includes a pre-meeting to ensure informed consent and safeguarding;
  • Write a report that synthesizes the results, main findings and recommendations from the survivors (in English or local language)
  • Support the logistics for the organization of a workshop (or one-on-one brief meetings if preferred by survivors) to present consolidated and anonymized findings to survivors

Please note that the tools and methodology for conducting the conversations will be provided by ECPAT International. The contracted entity will not have to design the tools but is expected to work with ECPAT International to contextualize them as needed.

Survey with Frontline Workers: 

  • Review, test and pilot online survey developed by ECPAT International;
  • Identify participants and administer survey for a minimum of 50 frontline workers per location (3). These may include child protection professionals (social workers, psychologists) and para-professionals from a range of services including shelters, drop in centers, outreach work, community-based organizations, but also workers from the health, justice and law enforcement, education and others based on contextualization of the methodology;
  • Review summary of survey findings produced by ECPAT International.

Please note that the survey will be administered through an online platform to be used directly by participants, but the survey will be introduced and set up face-to-face or remotely for each individual participant by the contracted entity in each country with the intention of both motivating participation and allowing for clarifications and explanations to participants when needed.

Please note that the tools and methodology for the administration of the survey will be provided by ECPAT International. The contracted entity will not have to design the tools but is expected to work with ECPAT International to contextualize them as needed. Please note that the analysis of collected data will be conducted directly by ECPAT International.

Validation and Dissemination: 

Depending on quality of delivered activities, projects’ circumstances, etc. the contract might be further extended, upon mutual agreement, for the provision of logistical support for the organization of a final workshop with multi-stakeholders to present and reflect on the consolidated and anonymized findings of the research activities mentioned above. This additional activity, if confirmed, will be object of an addendum to the signed agreement.

Deliverables - Deliverable Due date (Tentative): 

Kick-off and Preparation: 

  • Participation in planning workshop and training completed 15 January 2024
  • Contextualisation of methodologies and tools 31 January 2024

Conversations with Survivors: 

  • Recruitment plan per location (3) 2 February 2024
  • 20 survivors identified per location (3) 15 February 2024 to 31 April 2024
  • 20 pre-meetings and conversations with survivors conducted per location (3) 20 February 2024 to 31 May 2024
  • Conversation notes de-identified in English delivered to ECPAT 31 May 2024 to 31 July 2024
  • Final report that synthesizing the results, main findings and recommendations from the survivors – including two rounds of feedback from ECPAT. 31 July 2024 to 31 September 2024
  • Workshop (one-on one meetings) with survivors to present consolidated and anonymized findings organized/delivered 31 September 2024

Survey with Frontline Support Workers: 

  • Survey reviewed and piloted 15 January 2024
  • Participants identified per location (3) 2 March 2024
  • Survey administered to at least 50 frontline support workers per location (3) 2 April 2024 to 31 August 2024
  • Summary of findings produced by ECPAT international is reviewed and finalized 31 September 2024

It is expected that exact dates for deliverables may change depending on ethical clearance procedures, which may also impact contract closure.


It is expected that the assignment will commence in January 2024 and be completed by October 2024 or sooner.

REQUIRED Profiles: 

The successful entity/team will have to include at least professionals with the following expertise:

1. Conversations’ Facilitator: 

  • Relevant university qualification in psychology, counselling, psychiatry, or social work.
  • At least 3 years of professional experience conducting research and/or providing psychotherapy services to children and adults.
  • Clinical/social work experience working with young (16-24) survivors of sexual abuse and exploitation is considered an asset.
  • Experiences in facilitation and conducting research on the topic of sexual abuse exploitation of children/trafficking.
  • Strong knowledge of trauma-informed care, child sexual exploitation and abuse as well as ethical standards.
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Experience in drafting research reports is considered an asset.
  • Fluency in local language and ability to work in English.

2. Project Implementation Support/Survey Administrator: 

  • Experience in supporting project implementation and event organisations.
  • Experienced and comfortable in collaborating with a broad range of people from different cultures and sexual orientations.
  • Able to handle confidential data and information.
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Fluency in local language and ability to work in English.
  • Knowledge on child sexual exploitation, trafficking and related topics is considered an asset.

General Qualifications for the Contracted Entity/Team: 

  • Experience of conducting and successfully delivering similar assignments.
  • Understanding of the context and environments, including of the dynamics of sexual exploitation and cross boarder trafficking of children in India.
  • Legally able to operate in India.

Management and Reporting Arrangements: 

The contracted team lead (team of consultants) will report to the Regional Coordinator for South Asia at ECPAT International, and work in close collaboration with other members of the ECPAT team and liaise with local partners and ECPAT member organisations in India.

Additional Information: 

  • Expression of interest is open to teams of consultants and consortiums.
  • This is a home-based position; the consultant(s) will work from home or own office but should be available online for pre-arranged meetings with the ECPAT International Research team and Regional Coordinator for South Asia.
  • The contracted entity is expected to act at all times in a manner consistent with the values of ECPAT International and in compliance with the organisation’s policies and procedures including Child Safeguarding Policy and the Staff Code of Conduct.
  • Adherence to ECPAT International policies and procedures is required, including signing and abiding by the Code of Conduct. The Conversation Facilitator is required to submit a criminal record.
  • The successful applicant will be required to have in place insurance arrangements appropriate to provision of the requirement in this Terms of Reference.

How to Apply: 

Please send your expression of interest to

  • A brief technical proposal (4 pages maximum) explaining the team composition and proposed roles and details on the technical competence/capacity of the entity. CVs of key experts to be attached.
  • Financial proposal in USD. The minimum required breakdown of costs is shown in the format below and should also be the detail of invoicing.

Title Number of Days Rate Total USD

Facilitator (s) for 20 survivor:

conversations per location (3)

Survey Administrator (r)

(50 survey) per location (3)

*Number of Days Should include all specific activities outlined above

Mention in the subject header: your name and “Project MUKTI South Asia-India”- for more detail : is external)

Deadline: 15th December 2023, but applicants are encouraged to apply early as applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

ECPAT International
Type of work