Nigeria: AACTING Project - Production of Two Manuals to Fight Against Child Trafficking
Coordination: ECPAT France, ECPAT Luxembourg
Country: Nigeria
Production of Two Manuals:
- Manual for raising children's awareness on trafficking of children for sexual exploitation;
- Manual to strengthen the quality of services provides by care givers to repatriated survivors.
1. Background:
ECPAT France is a French-based organization affiliated to the ECPAT International network aiming to combat the sexual exploitation of children in the world. It coordinates the AACTING project together with its partner organisation ECPAT Luxembourg.
ECPAT Luxembourg is a Luxembourg-based non-governmental organization affiliated to the ECPAT International network and works to prevent sexual exploitation of children. It provides technical and financial support to the AACTING project.
The overall objective of the AACTING project is to contribute to reducing the prevalence of child trafficking, particularly for the purpose of sexual exploitation in Edo and Delta States.
- Specific objective 1: By the end of the project, the risks of trafficking are better controlled and the protection systems strengthened with innovative operational mechanisms, adapted to the new manifestations of trafficking and accessible to child victims of trafficking, in particular for sexual exploitation.
- Specific objective 2: By the end of the project, girls and boys in Edo and Delta States are fully aware of the risks and actors in the fight against trafficking, in particular trafficking for sexual purposes.
- Specific objective 3: By the end of the project, the fight against trafficking in Edo and Delta States is a priority carried by a coalition of influential actors.
The project is implemented by 3 partners:
Girls’ Power Initiative (GPI) is a Nigerian non-governmental organization founded to address the challenges facing girls in the Nigerian society and equip them with information, skill and opportunities for action to grow into self-actualized young women.
Uromi Justice Development, Peace and Caritas Initiatives (UROMI JDPCI) is an association based in the Edo Central district. JDPCI works on governance and participation of the citizens to the rule of law. In the frame of the project, the organisation focuses on the prevention and response to the sexual trafficking of girls from the remote areas of the region.
IFRA Nigeria is a research institute in social sciences and humanities. The Institute operates from the University of Ibadan (Institute of African Studies). Over the past few years, the research orientation of IFRA has revolved around problems of democratic transition, urban violence, restructuring of educational systems in Africa, transborder studies, religious networks, urban management and the politics of violence.
ECPAT France is looking for a consultant or a team or consultants (preferred) to improve the work of two specific areas:
Activity “champions clubs” in schools and communities:
As part of this activity, the strategy of training by “peer educators” (adopted in the earlier phase of the project “Project: Don’t Pay With Your Life” will be taken up. Clubs will also be formed outside schools, in order to also reach out-of-school children, considered to be more vulnerable. Field agents, recruited in the communities where the member organizations operate will be key to identifying these groups and ensuring that the children take ownership of the process and their rights. The sessions will be conducted in places considered by the children to be safe and secure. Community leaders will be informed and made aware of the work that will be done within the framework of the clubs.
80 champions clubs will be created and their members trained, i.e. 40 community clubs and 40 clubs in schools. The project will engage and train 10 mentors who will serve as facilitators and field agents. Each of the field agents (primarily women) will be responsible for 10 champion children's clubs. They will receive basic training in understanding human trafficking, adolescent health, mental health and psychosocial support, psychological first aid (PSS), understanding child personality, child protection childhood and case management.
Champions clubs will receive training on the methodology and operation of clubs in the AACTING project. In particular, they will receive training on their rights, self-protection and peer protection.
These clubs will meet once a quarter at their different levels. Each club will be made up of between 8 and 10 children. The groups will be able to decide on operating rules. They will be mostly girl groups or mixed groups (when possible) and the ages of the children will be between 14 and 18 years old).
These clubs will participle in many activities of the sensitization and advocacy project.
Activity Psychosocial and economic support for repatriated girls and young women:
The project will ensure the reintegration of 20 repatriated girls or young women (aged 15 to 25). The partner GPI will be in charge of the reintegration of 10 returnees in Delta State and UROMI JDPCI of 10 returnees in Central Edo (these areas are where very little support is provided to survivors and it therefore seems essential to maintaining a certain level of direct activity there).
The identification of young repatriated women will be done through close collaboration with NAPTIP, ETAHT ( Delta and Benin City) in charge of all victims of THB repatriated from the various countries, IOM and the authorities in contact with Nigerian women trafficked to other countries. The project manager based at ECPAT France headquarters will present the action to the main actors involved in the fight against Nigerian trafficking in France, West Africa and Europe (through the members of the ECPAT network) in order to connect with young girls about to return to Nigeria (Edo and Delta). Thus, upon their arrival in the targeted areas, GPI and JDPCI will be able to contact them and ensure that these returnees have access to the appropriate services and support, including via other organizations if the project is not in progress. able to do so.
Support will be offered through psychosocial support, re-schooling or an Income Generating Activity (IGA). Thus, depending on the needs and traumas, the social teams of GPI and JDPCI will provide specific care, for example support with a psychologist. For those who wish to return to school (repatriates who are still minors), GPI and JDPCI will offer the payment of tuition fees for 2 years, and support for a family member so that he or she is able to meet the needs. the girl. Psychosocial support will also be organized collectively through the creation of a "support group between girls" allowing: (1) to free speech and receive encouragement from their peers to overcome their trauma; (2) to improve self-esteem and (3) to create a group of positive relations and solidarity around young girls.
For returnees who choose an IGA requiring technical expertise (sewing, shoemaking, IT, mechanics, etc.), the young girls will be placed in apprenticeships then placed in situations in workshops to be “tutored” via a mentor (mentorship). The young girls will be monitored every 3 months and then every 6 months (for a minimum of 18 months), to see the progress made and help them manage the difficulties encountered.
2. Objectives of the Consultancy:
The consultancy aims to support the ground work done by the local partners (1) with the children champions and (2) with the survivors and their caregivers. The manuals should provide clear guidance for professionals working in the field on how to conduct activities and the measures of their impacts.
1. Development of a manual for raising children's awareness on the fight against trafficking in children for sexual exploitation:
The Don’t Pay With Your Life project adapted an existing manual on irregular migration and human trafficking for children. While this manual has increased awareness on the subject and in particular a good understanding of the particular situation concerning children, it was not focused on issues of child trafficking for sexual exploitation. There is a need to develop a complete, comprehensive manual using the tools already created by the teams and children, the researches findings, the inputs from partners and other actors, the children inputs.
This manual is intended for use in child champion sessions
2. Development of a manual to strengthen the quality of services provides by care givers to repatriated survivors:
This manual will provide resources to facilitate discussion sessions between caregivers and survivors returning to the community. It will provide the means to strengthen the Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) of the caregivers by focusing on the following subjects: parenthood, consideration of the personality of children, the role of parents in the prevention of re-victimization (could be completed by other topics if relevant). The manual will explain the risks and the impact of trafficking on children and how the accompanying persons (whether they are genetic family or foster family or others) can help them find a place in the community. An explanation on trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation will also be presented for accompanying persons. The manual will cover issues relating to building resilience, self-improvement, self-reliance, among others.
3. Scope of Work:
The production of these two manuals aims at improving the quality of the work done in the frame of the AACTING project. The manuals might also be provided to local Civil Society Organisations working in the same field to supporting the improvement of their work.
The methodology proposed to develop the manual must widely involve the local actors that partners Girls’ Power Initiative and UROMI JDPCI, children and youth they work with. The participatory methodology chosen will have to be developed in the proposal.
The work will be guided by a steering committee composed of 3 or 4 people from ECPAT France, ECPAT Luxembourg, UROMI JDPCI and GPI.
The two manuals to be developed should provide the following contents:
- Generic information (occurrence, laws, services, etc) about the topic in the targeted region (Delta and Edo states) including local, national and global standards.
- Precise information about the proposed sessions (Lesson topic / time needed Objective of the session / material needed / guide for facilitator / exercises / pre and post-tests etc).
- Manual designs should make them easy to read and to use for the professionals supposed to use them.
4. Deliverables:
- The consultant(s) will provide the Steering Committee with an inception report after the inception phase (methodology preparation / exchanges / literature review). The inception report will detail the methodology and the expected manual structures. 20 pages maximum.
- Draft Manual for raising children's awareness on the fight against trafficking in children for the purpose of sexual exploitation
- Draft Manual to strengthen the quality of work between the accompanying persons and the repatriated survivors
- Final manuals with incorporation of comments
- Conduct a half day session guidance with the partners (online or offline).
- End of mission report (10 Pages maximum).
5. Timeline:
The mission should be conducted between January 2024 and April 2024.
6. Locations:
The mission requires travels in Edo and might require travel in Delta State.
7. Proposed Organization of the Work:
The methodology will be proposed by the consultant, will be discussed and approved by the Steering Committee.
Expectations for the implementation of the evaluation are the following:
- Desk research: the consultant is expected to review relevant documents.
- Exchanges with UROMI JDPCI, GPI, child champions, ECPAT France and ECPAT Luxembourg and others
- Production of manuals
- The methodology and supporting tools proposed will need to be approved by the Steering Committee.
8. Expertise Required:
Team of consultants with relevant expertise for both manuals will be welcomed.
- Master degree in social sciences, political sciences, human rights, or related field or equivalent experience;
- Qualification and experience on Trafficking in Human Being, Child trafficking, Sexual exploitation of children;
- Experiences in child protection (preferably NGO)
- Experience in designing manuals for social actors/Ministries
- Knowledge of the Nigerian context of human trafficking is essential.
- Knowledge of the standards in place (Globally, regionally, nationally and locally).
- Experience in developing manual with qualitative and quantitative M&E data collection and analysis methods;
- Extensive work experience on projects addressing behaviour change and empowerment of vulnerable groups;
- Excellent inter-cultural communication skills;
- Experience in evaluating projects on gender-based violence will be a strong asset consideration;
- Strong facilitation, presentation, and communication skills;
- Strong ability to communicate effectively in English, both verbally and in writing.
9. Criteria for Selection:
The selection of offers will be based on the following criteria:
- Qualification and experiences (Coefficient 3)
- Proposed methodology (Coefficient 4)
- Financial offer (Coefficient 2)
10. Ethical Considerations for Protection of Children:
The team will be required to comply with international good practices of research ethics regarding the safety of children. It will respect basic ethical considerations of informed consent, right to withdraw, debriefing and confidentiality.
The team must give particular consideration to the following:
- Children are not exposed to risks/harm because of their participation in the work
- Children are fully informed of the purpose of the work and age-appropriate consent from all children participating in the work is obtained
- Children’s right to privacy is respected and confidentiality of information ensured
- Data/information that has been collected is securely stored and protected
How to Apply:
Questions on the offer can be sent to before January 8th, 2023.
Offers can be sent to, specifying: “AACTING_Manuals_Offer” before January 14, 2024**.**
They should include:
- The consultant(s) detailed CV(s)
- A technical offer with a methodological proposal of 5 pages maximum.
- A budget/financial offer detailing inputs of each consultant and other related costs in separate lines
- A comprehensive calendar
- Names and contact information for two recent references
The submitted budget should includes all costs relevant to the work, including the consultant’s travel, daily rate and extra costs, etc.