Uzbekistan: Call for Consultancy Services to Carry-out a Mid-term Evaluation of a Child Protection Program in Uzbekistan, 2022-2026 (Nationals only)
On 2 February 2022, the NGO signed a Development Framework Agreement (FA IV) with the Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Defence, Cooperation and International Trade (MAEE-DCCI) for the period 2022-2026. This Framework Agreement operates in 5 countries, Niger, Guinea, Benin, Senegal and Uzbekistan, and focuses on mobilizing children, families, communities, civil society and state actors to work together to promote the rights and protection of children and adolescents. The aim is also to support young girls and boys from beneficiary families finding employment through vocational training and socio-economic integration. In Uzbekistan, the legislative framework for social protection and alternative care is evolving rapidly, and will be an important factor to consider.
Halfway through FA IV, these programmes are subject to external evaluation. This request for services concerns Uzbekistan only.
The main objectives of evaluation are the following:
- To analyse programme’s design, performance and the extent to which programme objectives and results have been achieved at the mid-point of programme implementation (results to date), using participative approach;
- To identify key lessons learned and best practices from programme design, implementation and management, as well as draw recommendations for the remaining programme implementation time.
The 3 components of the program will be evaluated: alternative care, family strengthening and youth care, according to both criteria put forward by SOS Luxembourg (according to the donor’s interest) and those recommended by the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
The evaluation methodology is intended to be participative, iterative, descriptive and analytical and should be based on various methods such as analysis of key documents (desk research), participatory methods including focus groups and interviews with participants and indirect beneficiaries, programme and national staff, key stakeholders. It will essentially comprise 3 main stages: a preparatory stage, evaluation itself, a submission of report.
Expected Deliverables:
- Inception report
- Draft report presentation
- Final report
- Final report presentation
Selection Criteria:
- Method: The proposed method for evaluating the project is suitable
- Timetable/work plan: The timetable/work plan is realistic and meets the needs of the project
- Cost: The cost of the proposal is reasonable and feasible, given the other aspects of the proposal
- Experience: The training and experience of the consultants in evaluations and recommendations from organisations for which the consultant(s) has previously worked
The Evaluator / Team of Evaluators must have:
- Post-graduate qualifications in social sciences or related area
- Proven competency (record of previous experiences) in project evaluations
- Experience in working with children and vulnerable groups of population
- A good understanding of development work in Uzbekistan
- A good understanding of child rights and issues affecting vulnerable children and their families
- Good facilitation, organizational and interpersonal skills
- Proven experience in participatory processes and data collection methods (including age appropriate data collection methods)
- Strong analytical and conceptual skills
- Excellent written communication skills
- Excellent command of written and oral English, Russian and Uzbek language
How to Apply:
Tenders will be received up to and including 3 May 2024. They should be sent to and to with the following reference in the subject line: "Consultancy for mid-term evaluation FA IV Uzbekistan"
The titles of submitted documents should clearly state “Technical proposal for mid-term evaluation of the SOS Children's Villages programme in Khorezm region, Uzbekistan by the consultant/company title” and “Financial proposal for mid-term evaluation of the SOS Children's Villages programme in Khorezm region, Uzbekistan by the consultant/company title”. Please make sure that the technical and financial proposals are handed in separately (financial proposal to be sealed in a closed envelope or a separate PDF file in case of electronic submission). During the process of evaluation, technical bids will be opened and evaluated first. The financial part of those proposals, which are shortlisted after evaluation of the technical proposal, will be opened in a second step.
The application must include:
- Identification form
- Previous experience form
- Technical proposal
- Financial proposal (to be sealed in a closed envelope or in a separate PDF file)
- CV of the consultant(s) who will be involved in the evaluation
- Three letters of reference or service certificates attesting to the performance of similar work, with the telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of the reference contacts.
- An example of a recent/relevant evaluation report (if available for public use)
Full Terms of Reference: