Trainings and e-learnings

CPHA-CPMS Learning Package

Explore the CPMS-CPHA Learning Package in Arabic, Spanish, and Turkish

This learning package has been developed by the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (the Alliance). It replaces the Child Protection in Emergencies Face-to-Face Training Package. The package is designed to help build entry to mid-level skills and knowledge for child protection in humanitarian contexts.

The decision to use this learning package should be based on an analysis of current capacities and the identification of specific learning needs which align with the stated learning objectives of this package. The approach shown below may be used to inform the decision to deliver this learning experience in any given context. Further tools and support to develop, deliver and evaluate learning interventions have been developed by the Learning and Development Working Group of the Alliance. They can be accessed here. For more support, contact the L&D Working Group: sends email) 

The package is designed to be implemented in a flexible way in diverse humanitarian and learning settings. It takes into account the challenges of humanitarian settings, where time and resources may be limited, as well as considerations related to infectious disease outbreak restrictions and more generally, access. The package therefore includes facilitator guidance and easily adaptable materials for remote training contexts, using common video communications platforms.

This package is aligned to the 2019 Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action and also the Child Protection in Humanitarian Action Competency Framework.

In addition, this revised version is based on input gathered from a wide range of experienced facilitators who have used the Alliance’s learning packages and the pilot training that was held in Nairobi in May 2023.

The Alliance
Language of the materials
Type of learning
In-person trainings
Online trainings
Capacity strengthening
Child Protection Minimum Standards (CPMS)
Learning and development
Countries this relates to