
Home-based: Political Economy Analysis on Factors of Importance for the Development of Improved Safeguarding Standards in Northwest Syria Educational Sector


Provide a Political Economy Analysis on factors of importance for the development of improved safeguarding standards in the Northwest Syria (NWS), educational sector

Introduction and Purpose: 

In 2018, the FCDO funded integrity report1 on improving quality of education inside Syria found that 41% of respondents witnessed physical punishment in schools. Within a wider macro geo-political culture of impunity in Syria2, children are witnessing similar impunity at a micro-level within their education services. The challenge of building effective safeguarding systems within that culture must include the clear identification of power dynamics at play, the capacity for behaviour change, as well as actionable windows of opportunity to bring about sustainable change.

As part of a DEC “collective initiative” CA has collaborated with four other partners to submit a proposal on, creating a roadmap for enhancing localised safeguarding.

CA are looking for a specialist who has experience of safeguarding within the Northwest Syria region. In addition the consultant must be conversant with a PEA framework.


Services Required: 

It is expected that between September 2024 and End of November 2024 there will be Two deliverables. The days indicated are for reference only and are to be negotiated between the consultant and the hiring & programme manager. It is expected that this work will require a minimum of 12 days and a maximum of 20 days.

Deliverable 1: Producing inception report (in English) including Stakeholder mapping and refinement of methodology and research methods and tools (preferably quantitative methods, mainly key informant interview (KIIs)): 

  • The consultant will draw up a list of key informants to interview (KIIs)
  • The consultant will work with the consortium partners to transform the learning questions (see annex 1) into a set of key informant interviews tailored to the key stakeholders.

Data collection phase and analysis - Once the interview tools are confirmed the consultant will conduct the interviews and create a draft report:

  • Interview between 20-35 key stakeholders.
  • Data analysis and drafting report in line with a known Political Economy Analysis Framework. The report should not exceed30 pages (though annexes and interview notes can also be consolidated separately), and should have a two page executive summary.
  • The draft report should be submitted no later than 10 November, to leave sufficient time for review and finalisation.

Deliverable 2: Final report (in English) after one to two rounds of iterative review by the consortium partners

  • The consortium will provide feedback on the report in up to two rounds.
  • The final report will be submitted on or before 31 November 2024.

The consultant will be expected to coordinate with:

  1. The CA Türkiye Syria Earthquake (TSEQ) response team including the Syria programme manager, and programme officers.
  2. The CA global humanitarian manager for the Middle East and Ukraine, as well as other relevant Humanitarian Division stakeholders such as the Head of Humanitarian Policy and Practice, and the Humanitarian appeals manager.
  3. The international, local, and national consortium members who are part of this collective initiative

Delivery/Activity Plan:

  • It is expected that between September 2024 and end of November 2024 that this work will require a minimum of 12 days and a maximum of 20days. Any travel costs will be covered by the consultant but can be budgeted into their proposal. There is no scope for an extension.

Service Delivery Model, Location, Schedule of Activity: 

  • The consultant might be expected to be able to travel within the region to conduct face to face interviews, as well as working remotely to reach other stakeholders if appropriate.

Qualification Requirements:


  • University masters degree or equivalent professional experience in development studies, disaster risk reduction, humanitarian response, social work, building systems, system engineering, safeguarding, political economy or other relevant subject.
  • Experience of safeguarding within the educational or child protection sector, and/or humanitarian responses.
  • Should possess a strong understanding of the current Northwest Syria context and extensive experience with the region's political powers, including the ability to analyse them effectively. Knowledge of at least three Political Economy Analysis framework which could help to be used for the deliverables, but not limited to, knowing the PEA will be shared with the consultant
  • Arabic Native speaker with Excellent skills in written English.
  • Demonstrable experience of producing high quality analytical reports for a diverse audience via various means, including papers, mentoring, presentations, and trainings and workshops.
  • Knowledge of humanitarian principles and international standards including SPHERE, the Red Cross Code of Conduct for NGO's working in emergencies, Child Protection and Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS).
  • Experience in similar assignments and PEA with 5-9 years of experience.


  • Prior knowledge of key stakeholders within the region is a strongly sought factor.
  • Technical experience or qualification in a relevant humanitarian discipline.
  • Experience of supporting those who are working in high-risk / insecure contexts.
  • The ability to travel within the region, ex. NWS.

Payment Terms: 

  • CA standard payment term is 30 days from submission of correct invoice
  • It is expected that payment will be based on an invoice associated with deliverables.
  • Payment of 25% will be sent at the submission and approval of the inception report and 75% at the submission and approval of the final report and the complete deliverables.

How to Apply: 

Interested candidates should submit the below to sends email) with title ‘’Political Economy Analisys for Safeguarding Consultancy application’’ by no later than 7th August 2024.

  1. Their CV & cover letter
  2. A 2-3 page technical proposal including financial offer
  3. At least two examples of a toolkit(s) / similar that they have previously produced

Side Note: Joint application for two consultancies opportunity: We have another consultancy advertised at the same time of this for the ame collective group (link is here)(Process Evaluation and Barrier Identification) and we welcome one joint application for both consultancies if the applicant meets the requirement criteria. In this case, please use the title ‘’ Joint application for PEBI and PEA consultancies’’

Closing Date for Applications is the 7th of August.

Due to the urgency of this consultancy CA will review applications on a rolling basis and may close the advertisement early if a successful candidate is identified

Christian Aid
Type of work