Netherlands: Consultant - Global Study on Child Exploitation
Terre des Hommes Netherlands is seeking a research consultant who is experienced in survey methodology and analysis to conduct a global study to measure the aetiology and prevalence of child exploitation.
1. Background Information:
Terre des Hommes Netherlands (TdH NL) is an international non-governmental organisation committed to stopping child exploitation. Our mission is to protect children by preventing and stopping child exploitation, and by empowering children to make their voices count. Our vision is that children can flourish in a world free of all forms of exploitation.
In executing our mission we seek to address the root causes of exploitation by creating scalable, evidence-based solutions and influencing systemic change.
In 2023, the Listen Up! Strategy of TdH NL was approved, placing a new emphasis on evidence-generation and research. We work towards the achievement of situations where children can say:
- “I feel safe and my voice is heard”.
- “My environment values and protects me”.
- “My country takes action to stop child exploitation”.
- “My rights are taken seriously”.
To take concrete steps towards achieving this, three TdH NL Thematic Programmes were co-created, and launched in April 2024:
Alongside implementing the Thematic Programmes over the coming six years, the Listen Up! Strategy also aims to:
- Expand knowledge on child exploitation, how to prevent and respond to it;
- Use an intersectional approach to generate new insight into what works to prevent or stop child exploitation;
- Develop reliable methods of collecting and analysing data on intersectionality in prohibitive social, religious or cultural contexts; and,
- Use insight into the context-specific gender and intersectional dimensions of child exploitation to inform evidence-based programming and policy recommendations.
We believe that the ethically complex nature of the phenomenon of child exploitation, poor conceptual clarity, and inconsistent prevalence estimates that do not capture the true number and that are incomparable across countries and regions, contributes to a scattered understanding of the issue. As a result, the scale and aetiology of child exploitation remains unrecognised which makes it difficult to assess where intervention is indicated and how change happens over time. This means that child exploitation does not sit high on global agendas (even in child rights’ spaces) and does not generate funding for organisations to generate evidence that can catalyse systemic change.
2. Objectives of the Services Required:
TdH NL is seeking professional support on generating a dataset to enhance the understanding of the magnitude and intersectional aetiology of child exploitation in the countries where TdH NL currently operates programmes and additional high priority countries. This survey will be distributed among a total of 30 countries.
This dataset should answer the following research questions:
- Among 18 year olds, what is the lifetime and past year prevalence of child labour and sexual exploitation of children (including, but not limited to, commercial, online and child early and forced marriage)?
- Which intersectional factors are associated with child exploitation?
This is a study that will be repeated toward the end of the strategic period as a method to track progress in the field of child exploitation, as well as the contribution of TdH NL to catalyse systemic change.
3. Specific Objectives:
The service provider is expected to deliver the following:
- A research protocol and ethics application, based on the co-design of a multi-country, cross-sectional study that avoids duplication of existing data and builds on work completed to date by TdH NL.
- Co-design a detailed multi-country survey methodology with TdH NL input and data collection tools (making use of validated measures to the extent possible), as well as a description of the methods and analysis used in order to make replication of the study in 2030 possible.
- Implementation of primary data collection (including managing an external survey company to conduct the survey) and consolidation of existing datasets resulting in a comprehensive dataset.
- Analysis to establish the prevalence of various forms of child exploitation and the influence of intersectional factors on risk of child exploitation in priority countries.
- Dissemination of research findings; including full report (no longer than 50 pages); child-friendly version of results and factsheet.
4. Timing and Duration of the Contract:
The contract will commence from September 2024 (asap). The contract is expected to be completed by 31 January 2025. Ideally the consultant will work for 3-4 days per week with TdH NL during this period.
5. Qualifications and Experience:
The consultant should have the following:
- Demonstrable research experience; this could be evident via a PhD or equivalent, publication track record or research programme management
- Extensive experience undertaking similar studies, specifically in the field of violence against children (desired experience with child labour, sexual exploitation of children, or child exploitation in humanitarian settings).
- A comprehensive understanding of and commitment to safeguarding and ethical research practice.
- A track record of high quality statistical analysis.
6. Reporting and Communication:
The consultant will report to TdH NL Research Lead, and maintain regular communication with the TdH NL Research, Expertise and Influencing and Thematic Programme and Programme, Development and Quality teams.
7. Budget:
The budget for this consultancy assignment will be a maximum of 500 EUR per day excluding VAT.
About Terre des Hommes Netherlands:
Terre des Hommes Netherlands is part of the International Federation of Terre des Hommes organisations, a strategic partnership of member organisations sharing the same brand name and core values for joint lobby and advocacy around children’s rights. Terre des Hommes Netherlands (TdH NL) protects children by preventing and stopping child exploitation, and by empowering children to make their voices count. Our work is grounded in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and seeks to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Under our new Global Strategy (2023 - 2030), TdH NL is redefining and refining our role as a child rights organisation, with the strategic ambition that “by 2030, Terre des Hommes Netherlands is a catalyst for systemic change to stop child exploitation. We do this by empowering children and their communities, connecting them with those who have power to enact change, and utilising our knowledge and expertise to co-create sustainable, evidence-based solutions.”
TdH Netherlands is led by a two-headed Executive Team: the Executive Director and the CEO.
The values of TdH Netherlands are: Responsible, Bold, Human-Centred and Playful.
The organisation's core principles are: (1)Children at the Centre, (2) Intersectionality and Power Awareness, (3) Safety and Wellbeing, (4) Sustainability, and (5) Meaningful and Strategic Partnerships.
In line with our new strategy, TdH NL is in the process of establishing three thematic programmes under which our portfolio of humanitarian and development projects and programmes will be managed. These are: 1. Child Labour, 2. Sexual Exploitation of Children, and 3. Humanitarian Action. Our programmatic work is supported by two cross-programmatic units: Programme Development and Quality (PDQ), and Research, Expertise and Influencing (REI). Aligned to our new strategy, and based on many years of experience as a child rights organisation, we aim to consolidate our expertise and programme management, informed by research, to bring about sustainable and systemic change in the lives of children, and to hold duty bearers accountable.
The focus of TdH NL regarding humanitarian action is on child protection in emergencies (CPiE), with a particular focus on the protection of children from exploitation.
Our Commitment to Diversity, Integrity and Child Safeguarding:
We are not looking for just one type of person - we want to recruit people who can add fresh perspectives, innovative ideas and challenge our thinking. We are especially interested in people whose lived experiences help us to see things we might otherwise miss, and enable us to do better work with and for children. Whether or not you meet 100% of the criteria, we want to hear from you, because we know that different voices, ideas, perspectives and knowledge, working together will enable us to better the lives of children around the world.
TdH NL is committed to ensuring diversity and gender equality within our organisation. We continue to learn about intersectional considerations and power distribution within our organisation and our work. We are dedicated to preventing and eradicating any type of misconduct including sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, any other type of misuse of power, lack of integrity or financial misconduct.
Note: We place a high priority on ensuring that only those who share and demonstrate our values are recruited to work for us, this includes a commitment to diversity and inclusion at all levels of our work. All offers of employment will therefore be subject to satisfactory references and appropriate screening checks, which include a valid criminal record check, terrorism finance checks, and/or integrity screenings/references relating to misconduct and disciplinary actions in prior employment.
TdH NL is particularly committed to keeping children and vulnerable individuals safe, and has zero tolerance on (child) abuse. Every TdH NL employee is bound by the TdH NL Code of Conduct that describes the expected behaviour by staff, in particular with regards to Safeguarding children and (young) adults in our programmes. Child safeguarding measures are part of our selection and recruitment process. By submitting your application you accept that TdH NL will conduct such pre-employment screening for successful candidates. TdH NL participates in the Inter-Agency Misconduct Disclosure Scheme.
How to Apply:
Any individual or agency fitting the profile is invited to apply. Agencies need to have no conflict of interest and a due diligence check will be part of the selection procedure. The following should be included in applications:
- CV (individuals)/Credentials (Agency), proving relevant expertise.
- A brief slide deck (max 10 slides) with the proposed approach and outline of a work plan and provisional budget.
- Examples of prior work published in international, peer-reviewed journals, including complex statistical analysis.
Please apply here by 17 September 2024.