Global Protection Forum 2024 - Reminder to Register!

Global Protection Cluster
The Global Protection Cluster is delighted to invite you to join the Global Protection Forum 2024!
This series of virtual events on current topics and emerging issues, in collaboration with a range of protection allies and partners, presents an opportunity to showcase frontline work, review new directions, hear from local voices, and engage with protection actors.
Key contributions will cover topics including:
- Dilemmas and Opportunities in Humanitarian Frontline Responses
- Continuity of Protection in Humanitarian Coordination Transition
- Locally-led Efforts to Strengthen the Protection of Civilians in Situations of Armed Conflict
- Community-Led Advocacy, Self-Protection and Accountability
- People Centered Approaches to Protection
- Strengthening Legal Aid and Access to Justice in Humanitarian Settings
- Housing, Land and Property: Integrating Protection for Durable Solutions
Simultaneous interpretation will be available in French, Spanish and Arabic.
For more details, please consult the detailed programme attached.
Please feel free to share widely with your colleagues, peers, and teams. Looking forward to your participation!
Register Here