Sudan: Child Protection Project Manager
Employment Terms:
Location: The position is based in Geneina (Darfur) with occasional field visits to other TGH bases in Darfur depending on security and access. The incumbent may also spend periods of time in N’Djamena, Chad for administrative/visa reasons.
Duration: 10 months, starting November 2024. Renewable based on availability of funds.
Conditions: Salaried contract, monthly gross salary from 1957€ to 2678€, monthly per diem of €750 , 100% medical coverage + repatriation insurance + provident insurance, accommodation, international and local transport for the duration of the assignment, break every 3 months. Non family duty station.
TGH has chosen a simple and transparent remuneration policy, accessible on our website The salary levels advertised in our job offers are set within the framework of the salary scale and are non-negotiable.
More information at under "Participate".
TGH background:
"Actor in a sustainable and shared solidarity"
Founded in 1994, TGH is a French association for international solidarity based in Lyon. It designs and implements emergency, rehabilitation and development programmes in the fields of water, hygiene and sanitation, food security and rural development, socio-education and psychosocial support. TGH is currently active in 10 countries in Africa, Europe and Asia.
TGH has a long-standing presence in Sudan: first implementing a multi-sectoral program targeting displaced people and host communities in Geneina (West Darfur) in 2004, it extended its presence to Central Darfur (Bendasi and Um Dukhun) in 2005 and 2006 respectively. Since then, TGH has maintained a continuous presence in both states, despite an increasingly complex context, while also intervening in South Kordofan, Khartoum, Gedaref, Al-Jazeera, Sennar and Red Sea states.
Since the outbreak of the current Sudan conflict in April 2023, creating the largest displacement population in the world at current time, TGH has developed multi-sectoral projects in consortium with other international NGOs to meet the needs of crisis-affected populations in Darfur, Khartoum and elsewhere. TGH has more than 100 national staff in the field, based in Geneina & Foro Baranga (West Darfur), Golo, Um Dukhun, Bendasi, and Zalingei (Central Darfur), and Port Sudan (Red Sea). It has approximately more than 12 expats based in Sudan & Chad.
TGH Sudan’s largest and most active base is in Geneina, where its program and support teams are facilitating delivery of life-saving humanitarian assistance across West Darfur, Central Darfur and more recently into North Darfur.
TGH’s ongoing activities in Sudan include:
- Emergency assistance to displaced people affected by conflict and/or natural disasters (provision of NFIs and emergency shelter, hygiene and dignity kits, etc).
- Construction and rehabilitation of water supply systems and sanitation services, hygiene promotion and capacity building of community-based committees and local authorities in WASH services sustainable management
- Strengthening of food security and livelihood, through distribution of agricultural inputs, promotion of farming best practices, sustainable natural resources management, development of income generating activities, as well as provision of MPCA.
- Child Protection activities including PSS, CP Case Management, support for Child Friendly Spaces, and CP awareness-raising.
With a current volume of approximately 14 million EUR, TGH in Sudan is currently funded by donors including ECHO, BHA, OCHA-SHF, and CIAA (French MoFA).
Presentation of the Project:
The Project Manager will be managing protection, and particularly child protection, activities, budgets, teams and liaison with relevant stakeholders. In the current mission set-up, the Project Manager will be responsible for protection and child protection activities within the frame of 2 consortia (1 funded by ECHO and led by TGH with SI and PUI as partners; and 1 funded by BHA and led by SI with TGH, PUI and Mercy Corps as partners). The project will provide assistance in various locations in West, Central and North Darfur and will include – beyond protection for which TGH is lead – WASH, NFI/Shelter, Nutrition, Health and FSL activities. Strong focus is given to working with implementing partners.
Job Description:
Under the direct responsibility of the Deputy Country Director for Program, the Project Manager is in charge of the overall implementation of the activities of the project, in close collaboration with HQ FSL Technical Department. The position includes, among other responsibilities, human resources management, internal and external coordination, reporting, and planning of activities and purchases.
The main responsibilities include:
Project Management:
- She/he ensures the proper implementation, supervision, monitoring, reporting of the different components of the project.
- She/he is in charge of managing the HR dedicated to the project (team composed of approximately 25 staff).
- She/he is in charge of managing the overall program budget of the project as budget holder.
Project Knowledge Creation:
- She/he contributes to the project knowledge creation through the writing of activity sheets, design of relevant documentations, with the support of the Protection Technical Department in HQ, and the Deputy Country Director for Programs.
- She/he carries out regular analysis of the relevance of the project scheme and suggests adaptation when needed.
Logistics and Administration:
- She/he makes sure that logistical, administrative and financial procedures linked to the project implementation are established accordingly with TGH and donor’s procedures and alerts her/his superiors if gaps are observed so that corrective action may be taken.
- She/ he anticipates the logistics (procurements; purchase, vehicles, etc.), administrative and financial needs related to the project (recruitments, payments, cash requests, etc.) related to the project.
Internal Coordination:
- She/he participates in by weekly Programs Coordination meetings as connectivity allows, and communicates and reports regularly to the Deputy Country Director for Program.
- She/he communicates with HQ technical advisor on the project evolution, the technical problems faced, the potential risks and proposes solutions.
- She/he contributes to the Internal Coordination Report writing the part dedicated to the project.
- She/he is involved in providing relevant communication on the project (pictures, video, success stories etc.)
- Ensure coherence and consistency on practices and processes along with TGH’s Multisector Project Manager operating in the East of Sudan.
Representation and External Coordination:
- She/he represents the organization as required with donors, partners, local authorities and stakeholders involved in the implementation of the project.
- She/he especially maintains good relationship with other UN and NGO actors.
- She/he ensures regular presence in UN-led Child Protection sub-clusters, and when relevant with the Protection Cluster.
- She/he participates regularly to Consortium Technical Working Group on Protection.
Human Resources:
- She/he is involved in the recruitment of the operational team under her/his management.
- She/he ensures that the administrative HR management of her/his team (daily attendance, leaves management) in collaboration with the HR department.
- She/he ensures that her/his team complies with TGH internal rules (disciplinary management when needed).
- She/he assures the management of the project team including staff appraisals, follow-up of set objectives and capacity building.
Reporting and MEAL:
- She/he writes donor narrative reports and internal reports (TGH internal reports and consortium related reports).
- She/he is accountable for documenting project indicators and therefore collaborates on a daily basis with the MEAL department to develop relevant tools (quantitative and qualitative surveys, post distribution monitoring…) to monitor the progress and the quality of the project.
- She/he updates the Monthly Follow Up tool, submits within agreed timeframe monthly, and adapts it if necessary.
- She/he contributes to efforts aimed at ensuring compliance with safety rules at the site, and transmits all information relating to safety concerns to the field coordinator.
Strategy/Project Development:
- She/he participates/organizes need assessments according to the needs and mission strategy discussed with headquarters.
- She/he contributes to the development of new interventions based on identified needs, particularly linked to the Child Protection and Protection sectors.
- She/he analyzes, collects relevant information linked to the Child Protection situation in the country and identifies key trends in collaboration with her/his colleagues and Deputy Country Director for Program.
- She/he meets with potential local partners (NGOs).
This list of responsibilities could be modified according to the needs in the field.
Safety, Working, and Living Conditions:
The living conditions in N’Djamena are comfortable with most modern conveniences, while in Darfur the living conditions are more basic (cold water, some electricity disruptions, limited telephone and internet coverage). Social life in Geneina is possible but limited for security reasons. There are regular flights to and from Chad and Sudan to regional destinations and expatriates are entitled to R&R breaks every 3 months.
Conditions in Darfur and other TGH areas of intervention in Sudan present risks that are known and controlled by TGH and other international NGOs operating there. The Project Manager will strictly follow TGH Security Plan and the organization continuously monitor the security situation and take decisions accordingly.
- Postgraduate diploma
- Significant experience in working with or through local partners, and or with teams at a distance
- Significant experience in Child Protection project management in emergency contexts
- Technical expertise in Child Protection/Protection
- Ability to organize your work remotely, as due to the security context there are times when field visits are not possible
- Ability to work in remote/isolated areas
- Strong communication, analysis, and reporting skills
- Experience and interest in community mobilization
- Taste for capacity-building, and ability to set up and deliver training to local teams
- Experience and willingness to work in complex and volatile environments
- Ability to work efficiently under pressure
- Strong negotiation skills
- Management skills
- Fluent English (oral and written)
- Arabic speaking is a strong asset
- Computer skills (including Excel and Word)
- Proactivity and flexibility
How to Apply:
Please apply directly on TGH website: