
Uganda: TeamUp Facilitators

Community Consortium Uganda (CCU) has operated in Uganda since 2006, supporting humanitarian and development projects. CCU has extensive experience delivering Health including community-based interventions and mental and psychosocial interventions to refugees in Uganda. We employ proven approaches in program management, supervision, community engagement, and the delivery of quality mental and psychosocial services. Our expertise includes Health system strengthening, primary healthcare service delivery, community-facility linkages, local capacity building at all levels of the health system, health financing, resource mobilization, management and leadership capacity strengthening for refugee-led NGOs, SBCC, strengthening of community structures, social mobilization, and gender, adolescent girls, and women's empowerment programming

CCU has partnered with War Child Holland to deliver evidence based TEAM UP, Be There & EASE mental health project in Kyaka II refugee settlement. The project is being implemented through local organizations, aiming to deliver Preventative therapy and Children in distress offering protection services to extremely vulnerable individuals such as separated and unaccompanied children, adolescent girls, women-headed households, individuals at risk of suicide and persons with disabilities. This action will primarily address urgent needs under Gender Based Violence, Child Protection, and Mental Health and Psychosocial Support.

The post holders will be responsible for Implementing TeamUP activities for both In/Out of school children under the Pamoja Tunaweza Project located within Kyaka II refugee settlement.

Major Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Work closely with the Project Officer-PSS to adopt and implement child/adolescent friendly TeamUP education activities as per project requirements
  • Facilitate engaging, interactive TEAM UP activities with In/Out of school project beneficiaries
  • Identify and make referrals for project beneficiaries
  • Responsible for reporting on Project activities
  • Develop and maintain positive relationships with schools, communities and partners
  • Create awareness and educate community members on Project deliverables to increase organizational visibility and knowledge about mental health care
  • Participate in research and evidence based approaches
  • Document success stories and lessons learnt for future programming

Qualifications, Skills, and Competence Required:

  • Diploma in Psychology, Social Work, Mental Health
  • Experience in the mental health sector and knowledge of the humanitarian refugee setting.
  • Demonstrated experience in facilitating mental health training and programs.
  • Understanding and commitment to the principles of recovery, person-centred and trauma-informed practice, strengths-evidence based approaches, and the value of lived experience.
  • Demonstrated ability to work in accordance with the principles of children/adolescent centered learning
  • High-level commitment to counseling and supporting child/adolescent mental health.
  • Working knowledge of training technologies such as laptop, projector and other electronic devises
  • A willingness to develop skills in facilitating interactive learning sessions.

How to Apply: 

Interested candidates should submit their application to: sends email)

Community Consortium Uganda
Type of work