Now Open! CPMS Self-Assessment Exercise 2025
The CPMS are the backbone of the humanitarian child protection sector, and we at the Alliance are its custodians. The standards are designed to help us improve the quality of our programming and accountability for our actions. Between January 20 and March 2 2025, all Alliance members are strongly encouraged to complete the CPMS Self-Assessment Exercise to review their use of the CPMS.
The survey provides guidance to apply the CPMS within your agency. So please do not read it as a long list of tasks. It offers you suggestions on rolling out the CPMS in your organisation, and it helps to assess how much each agency has implemented it, which helps us to get a picture across the sector. As you will see in the tool itself, there are no right or wrong answers. Only you can decide what the ‘right’ answer is for your agency.
This exercise is open for Alliance Members only. If your agency’s Focal Point hasn’t received the online form via email, please contact
Let’s strengthen child protection together!