Every humanitarian actor has a responsibility, and a role to play, in protecting children and promoting their well-being. Collaborating across sectors is crucial to achieve these goals and make the most of available resources.
Watch this 10-minute video, made for all humanitarian actors, to learn more about your role in protecting children and ensuring their well-being.
Explore key resources by humanitarian sector, including easy-to-use guidance on working across sectors for children’s protection and wellbeing from the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPMS).
Click the buttons to explore resources by sector

Working Across Sectors Starter Kit
Working effectively across sectors for children’s protection and well-being requires building relationships and collaboration with sectors like health, education, food security and camp coordination and camp management. Child protection actors need to understand other sectors’ approaches, priorities, and language to work well together. This kit contains key resources to help you start working — or strengthen collaboration — with other sectors.

An Inter-Sectoral Framework for Advancing Children’s Protection and Well-Being
How do we, as humanitarian workers, effectively collaborate to improve children’s protection and well-being? The publication Working Together: An Inter-Sectoral Framework for Advancing Children’s Protection and Well-Being Through Humanitarian Standards aims to serve as a collective steer for doing just that: centring children and their protection needs across all programs, sectors, and responses. It has been co-developed through engagement with practitioners from across sectors in humanitarian, refugee and mixed settings.

As collaboration between Child Protection and other humanitarian sectors is crucial, these two publications explore good practice and feedback from practitioners involved in Education, Camp Coordination and Camp Management, and Health.

Take a look at the new toolkit for building awareness of and support for working together across humanitarian sectors.

Do you know about the CPMS E-Course?
Look into the following modules to increase your expertise in working across sectors for child protection and well-being:
- Introduction to the CPMS
- Principles and Approaches
- Standard 21: Food Security and Child Protection
- Standard 22: Livelihoods and Child Protection
- Standard 23: Education and Child Protection
- Standard 24: Health and Child Protection
- Standard 28: Camp Management and Child Protection

The Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPMS) provide clear and easy-to-use guidance on working across sectors for children's protection. They include a specific standard, key actions and indicators for every humanitarian sector.
If you have any questions or feedback, please contact the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, CPMS Working Group at cpms.wg@alliancecpha.org
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