Technical Materials



Early Childhood:

Children with Disabilities:


Child Participation:

Environmental Considerations:

Refugees, Internally Displaced and Migrant Population Settings:

Infectious Disease Outbreak Settings:

Urban Settings:

Mobile Programming:

Cash and Voucher Assistance:

Systems Strengthening:

Child Trafficking:

Standard 1: Coordination:

Standard 2: Human Resources:

Standard 3: Communications and Advocacy:

Standard 4: Programme Cycle Management:

Child Protection-Specific Resources:

Humanitarian Standards: 

PCM Resources: 


Child Participation and Ethical Considerations for involving Children in Programming: 


Standard 5: Information Management: 

Standard 6: Child Protection Monitoring: 

Standard 7: Dangers and Injuries: 

Standard 8: Physical and Emotional Maltreatment: 

Standard 9: Sexual and Gender-Based Violence: 

Standard 10: Mental Health and Psychosocial Distress:

Standard 11: Children Associated with Armed Forces and Armed Groups: 

Standard 12: Child Labour: 

Standard 13: Unaccompanied and Separated Children:

Standard 14: Applying a Socio-Ecological Approach to Child Protection Programming:

Standard 15: Group Activities for Child Well-Being: 

Standard 16: Strengthening Family and Caregiving Environments:

None at this time.

Standard 17: Community-Level Approaches:

Standard 18: Case Management:

Standard 19: Alternative Care:

Standard 20:  Justice for Children: 

Standard 21: Food Security and Child Protection: 

Standard 22: Livelihoods and Child Protection: 

Standard 23: Education and Child Protection: 

Standard 24: Health and Child Protection: 

Standard 25: Nutrition and Child Protection: 

Standard 26: WASH and Child Protection: 

Standard 27: Shelter and Child Protection: 

Standard 28: Camp Coordination and Camp Management and Child Protection: 

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Availability, Accessibility, Acceptability and Quality Framework

A tool to identify potential barriers to accessing services in humanitarian settings.

Collaboration Tip Sheet: Health

A tip sheet about child protection actors’ contribution to health’s work, the latter sector's commitments to child protection, and tips and entry points for advocacy with health actors.

Working Across Sectors Three Modalities

A description of the three ways of working across humanitarian sectors.

Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

A comic strip describing risks in humanitarian settings and the meaning and purpose of child protection in humanitarian action.

Child Protection Responsibilities of Humanitarian Actors

A comic strip describing key responsibilities of child protection actors and of all humanitarian actors.

Child Protection Risks in Emergencies

A comic strip describing child protection risks in humanitarian settings.

Collaboration Tip Sheet: Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM)

A tip sheet about child protection actors’ contribution to CCCM’s work, CCCM’s commitments to child protection, and tips and entry points for advocacy with CCCM actors.

Child Protection in Humanitarian Action Competency Framework

The revised CPHA Competency Framework is now available. This new version is more closely aligned with the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPMS), and reflects our better understanding of the competencies required to work effectively with other sectors. The format and...

Technical Note | Education Interventions for Children Associated with Armed Forces and Armed Groups

The ‘Education interventions for CAAFAG’ Technical Note is based upon an extensive desk study, key informant inter- views with 23 practitioners from a range of roles, including in Child Protection and Education, as well as technical in- put from the CAAFAG Task Force and CAAFAG Education technical...

Report | An Overview of the 2023 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

Thank you to everyone who attended the 2023 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action. This year’s annual meeting hosted 950 participants from 386 unique organisations representing 147 countries and territories across the world. As well as two in-person Participation Hubs in Nigeria...

Alliance Pledges | Oslo Conference for Protecting Children in Armed Conflict

At the Oslo Conference for Protecting Children in Armed Conflict held on 5-6 June 2023, governments, UN agencies, and civil society, including networks and non-governmental organisations, were invited to make specific commitments to protect children in armed conflict. In consultation with our...

Technical Note | Livelihood Interventions for Children Associated with Armed Forces and Armed Groups

Children associated with armed forces and armed groups (CAAFAG) are often recruited and used due to economic risk factors. Providing livelihood interventions to CAAFAG and vulnerable children can be used to prevent children from being recruited and used by armed forces and armed groups and may...

Advocacy Template Tools

Please find the Advocacy Template Tools used during Session 18: How to do local advocacy for CAAFAG from the 2023 Annual Meeting. 1. Advocacy Strategy Template: To help design your strategy – including objectives, targets and tactics 2. Risk Assessment Template: To help assess when to do public /...

2021- 2025 Work Plans | The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

The Alliance 2021 - 2025 Work Plan sets out the interagency standard setting and normative work of the Alliance, which aims to strengthen quality and effectiveness of child protection programs in humanitarian settings. This document should be read in conjunction with the 2021-2025 Strategy of the...

The Unaccompanied and Separated Children Task Force - Offer of Support

This document provides an overview of the Offer of Support provided by the UASC Task Force to emergency responses. This document is intended for the relevant Child Protection Coordination body in-country (ex. CP AoR, CP Sub-working Group, UASC TF). Contact us at or check us...

UNPROTECTED: Special Edition - Analysis of Funding for Child Protection in Armed Conflict in 2021 and 2022

The impact of armed conflict on children is one of the most pressing humanitarian concerns today. A strong humanitarian child protection response is critical to protect children and promote their rights, dignity, and resilience. This requires sustainable, flexible, multi-year funding for child...

Compendium of Resources for Family and Caregiving Strengthening in Humanitarian Settings

The Family Strengthening Task Force is pleased to present this Compendium of Family and Caregiver Strengthening Interventions and Tools! As defined in the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (2019), family and caregiving strengthening aims to promote children’s healthy...

Mini Guide #5 | Child Protection in Outbreaks: Preventing Harm to Children in Infectious Disease Outbreaks

This Mini-Guide is aimed at humanitarian personnel working in health and child protection as well as those specialising in mental health and psychosocial support and members of the social service workforce. This Mini-Guide is for use during the preparedness, response and recovery phases of an...

Mini Guide #6 | Child Protection in Outbreaks: Prioritising Child Participation in Infectious Disease Outbreaks

This Mini-Guide aims to support children’s agency and amplify their voices, ultimately improving the overall quality and effectiveness of subsequent interventions. This Mini-Guide sets out: 'WHAT' child participation is; 'WHY' child participation is important in outbreak settings; and Strategies as...

Agenda | 2023 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

Please find the Agenda for the 2023 Annual Meeting in English, French, Spanish and Arabic to give you a preview of the meeting! Please find the most up-to-date details regarding each session in Zoom Events under the “Sessions” tab. *Last update: 31 May

Participant Pack | 2023 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

Please find Participant Pack for the 2023 Annual Meeting in English, French, Spanish and Arabic. It is important you that Participants review this pack carefully and familiarise yourself with the Zoom Events platform before the meeting, The Participant pack provides all the information you need to...

The Centrality of Children and their Protection in Humanitarian Action - A Visual and Written Introduction

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action’s 2021-2025 Strategy centres around one goal: The CENTRALITY of CHILDREN and their PROTECTION is recognised and prioritised as ESSENTIAL and LIFE-SAVING across the humanitarian system. The Alliance, in collaboration with members, key...

The Evolution of the Child Protection in Humanitarian Action Sector

Concern or disregard for vulnerable children in crisis situations is as old as humankind. How individuals, communities, and groups responded to the needs of vulnerable children and those in humanitarian contexts has varied throughout the past, based on beliefs, values, and behaviours at that time...

Guidance Note | Qualitative Assessment Approaches for the Protection of Children with Disabilities Within Humanitarian Contexts

Children with disabilities are particularly vulnerable in humanitarian settings, yet they are often not able to access the services and protection they need. While multiple factors create these barriers, a major cause is how data about children with disabilities is collected and mapped. Data...

Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

The Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action 2019 Edition equip humanitarians seeking to protect children effectively with the most comprehensive and up-to-date best practice so they can deliver professional programs.