Position Paper | From Theory to Practice: Towards a Framework for Primary Prevention in Child Protection in Humanitarian Action
This position paper was developed as part of the Alliance-led Prevention Initiative. The objective of the Prevention Initiative is to develop key prevention focused resources to support child protection humanitarian practitioners in their efforts to prevent harm to children before it occurs. Recognizing the strategic importance of improving evidence-based approaches to preventing child protection issues in humanitarian crises, this position paper makes the conceptual argument that a primary prevention approach in child protection in humanitarian action is both necessary and achievable. It discusses why a primary prevention approach is essential and describes ways forward by outlining the core elements and key steps required for a prevention framework of action.
This paper is aimed at child protection humanitarian practitioners, managers and technical advisors, sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) practitioners, policymakers, government officials, members of the social service workforce, donors, and other humanitarian actors working to protect children and to uphold their rights.