Report | Action Points on the Protection of Children and Infectious Disease Outbreaks from the 2020 Annual Meeting on Child Protection in Humanitarian Action
To find the special video presentation by the Alliance COVID-19 Focal Point Team and learn about the six critical actions, click here!
The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (the Alliance) held the 2020 Annual Meeting on Child Protection in Humanitarian Action over a virtual platform from the 5th to 16th of October 2020. The Annual Meeting was an opportunity for Child Protection actors to come together and exchange knowledge and experience, while networking with other agencies, academics, policy makers and donors. This year’s theme, Infectious disease outbreak and protection of children, was selected based on the current reality that we are all dealing with. This year’s meeting explored the lessons learnt, promising practice and innovative approaches to protection of children amidst infectious disease outbreaks.
The Annual Meeting Background Paper, 2.2 billion children: How do we ensure their protection and well-being amidst an infectious disease outbreak? examined what has been happening to children during this pandemic. Using the socio-ecological model, we asked critical questions about the status of both the humanitarian response and the gaps in prioritizing children and their engagement. It showed alarming statistics – which we all know – and the severe long-term risks to children. It asked searching questions: “How did we miss putting children at the centre of our work?” It examined what was, and was not, done. On Day 1 of the Annual Meeting, participants discussed the paper, eagerly sharing their thoughts, reactions and hopes with colleagues – conversations documented in this analysis.
By Day 3, it was evident that participants were willing to take the discussion further and “develop specific child protection action points for all sectors to apply during future waves of COVID-19 and infectious disease outbreaks.” By examining input from Day 1, technical aspects and all levels of the socio-ecological model – the child, family, community, state/society – Day 3 participants wrestled with critical questions, defined gaps, proposed preparations and action steps for future infectious disease outbreaks, and demonstrated possibilities for change and a new way forward. It was agreed that as humanitarian actors and stakeholders, our role is to: put children at the centre of our work, advocate for their rights, and work ethically to apply these rights equally to all children. This report highlights the actions points for all sectors to apply during future waves of COVID-19 and infectious disease outbreaks that emerged from Day 3 of the 2020 Annual Meeting.
To find the 2020 Annual Meeting Moments Report and Summary, click here.