Site Specific Child Protection Rapid Assessment: A guidance note

This guidance note is an addendum to the Child Protection Rapid Assessment (CPRA) toolkit produced by the Child Protection Working Group. It should be used in conjunction with the CPRA toolkit in situations where:
- The number of distinct communities affected by the emergency is smaller than 15, or
- Less than 15 of the affected communities are accessible for the purpose of the assessment.
The sampling approach for the CPRA is designed for situations where at least 15 affected communities or sites can be covered in the assessment. It assumes that saturation will be achieved if we have a minimum of 5 different sites that provide information on a given subject. If we end up with only 1 community or a handful of communities, the sample size won't be large enough for saturation to be achieved.
This guidance is focused mostly on how to change the sampling approach in the CPRA to adapt to contexts were less than 15 communities or sites are affected or accessible. The rest of the CPRA guidance remains pertinent.