Photo by Yannis H at Unsplash
CPMS Self-Assessment Exercise
Evaluate Your Progress Toward Better and More Accountable Child Protection Programs

As an Alliance member, your organization has committed to using the Child Protection Minimum Standards to the best of its ability, incorporating them into its strategies, policies, procedures, and practice.

The CPMS Self-Assessment Exercise helps Alliance members evaluate how far we have come in our journey. It collectively increases the quality of our programs and our accountability to each other and to the children we serve.

The exercise happens once a year and takes the form of a questionnaire. Its next edition will take place in September 2024.

Depending on your organization’s circumstances, the exercise can involve several institutional levels for a more insightful experience, or just one manager responding to the questionnaire. Responses are confidential, and there is no rating or judgment involved.

The CPMS Self-Assessment Exercise in a nutshell

Do you need additional information? Watch last year’s orientation webinar

If you have questions or need additional information, don’t hesitate to contact the CPMS Working Group.

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