Dirigé par: War Child NL et Save the Children
Notre mission
S'assurer que les enfants vivant dans des contextes humanitaires aient un meilleur bien-être psychosocial et soient mieux protégés contre les abus, la négligence, la violence et l'exploitation, grâce à un environnement familial positif et renforcé.
Principales priorités du groupe spécialisé "Renforcement de la famille"
- S'assurer que les acteurs de la Protection de l'Enfance aient accès à des orientations programmatiques et à des plateformes d'apprentissage qui intègrent les données disponibles sur le Renforcement de la famille.
- Développer/revoir les standards minimums relatifs au Renforcement de la famille.
- Améliorer la base de connaissances des programmes de renforcement de la famille dans les situations humanitaires.
- Améliorer la collaboration inter-agences autour des interventions liées au Renforcement de la famille dans les contextes humanitaires.
Working Group Member Organisations
Compendium of Resources for Family and Caregiving Strengthening in Humanitarian Settings
The Family Strengthening Task Force is pleased to present this Compendium of Family and Caregiver Strengthening Interventions and Tools! As defined in the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (2019), family and caregiving strengthening aims to promote children’s healthy development and to protect them from maltreatment and other negative effects of adversity. This...
Parenting and MHPSS Webinar Series: REAL Fathers
This webinar is part of the Parenting and MHPSS Webinar Series, hosted by the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action's Family Strengthening Task Force. The Responsible, Engaged and Loving (REAL) Fathers Initiative developed by the Institute for Reproductive Health at Georgetown University and Save the Children International and piloted in Amuru District, Northern Uganda. Grounded in...
Mapping of Interventions to Support Parents/Caregivers in Humanitarian Contexts
This global, interagency mapping presents the types of psychosocial interventions being conducted, where they are implemented, by whom they are sponsored, and for whom they are designed.
Parenting Month Panel | Supporting Parents in Crisis and Humanitarian Contexts
This Parenting Month, the global community is calling for accessible parenting support for every family. However, despite being amongst the most vulnerable in areas affected by armed conflict, natural disasters, and health emergencies, parenting support for parents and caregivers in crisis and humanitarian contexts is often overlooked. Join the Global Parenting Initiative and the Global Initiative...
Webinar | Adapting Family Strengthening Programs and Approaches to COVID-19
Please join us for a webinar and discussion on Family Strengthening in the time of Covid-19: Programmatic Adaptations to Support Families in Need. This webinar will include presentations on program adaptations from Family Strengthening Task Force member organisations and open discussion on challenges and best practices. Webinar Outline: 1. Opening by the Taskforce Leads 2. Presentation from War...
Webinar | Strengthening Family & Caregiving Environments—CPMS Standard 16 in the Context of COVID-19
For the edited recording, click here. - The CPMS WG is launching a new webinar series to introduce the new standards in the 2019 edition of the CPMS. This webinar focuses on standard 16 - strengthening family and caregiving environments - in the context of the current global COVID-19 pandemic. The webinar will also include presentation of several real-world examples of family strengthening...