La sécurité alimentaire et la protection de l’enfance

Ressources clés développées par des organisations membres de l'Alliance et conseils pertinents inclus dans les Standards minimums pour la protection de l'enfance.

Children are disproportionately affected by humanitarian crises. They are a distinct group from adults, with unique needs and capacities that vary by age, gender, ability, legal status, and other individual characteristics. The centrality of children and their protection in humanitarian action is a...
The whole humanitarian system has a role to play in realising children’s rights, including their right to protection. Greater collaboration, action, and investment are needed to ensure all humanitarian interventions are safe, accessible, and child protection sensitive. When protecting children is a...
Working Across Sectors Starter Kit
Working effectively across sectors for children’s protection and well-being requires building relationships and collaboration with sectors like health, education, food security and camp coordination and camp management. Child protection actors need to understand other sectors’ approaches, priorities...
CPMS Standard 21: Food Security and Child Protection
The importance of collaboration between Child Protection and Food Security actors in humanitarian settings cannot be overestimated. For instance, jointly planned programs in the same locations can help mitigate the impact of food insecurity on children’s protection. This collaboration works both...
Food Security and Child Protection
Standard: All children affected by humanitarian crises live in food secure environments that mitigate and respond to child protection risks.

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