

«Education in Emergencies - Child Protection» Collaboration Framework

The CP-EiE Collaboration framework supports Education and CP coordination teams’ predictable and coherent collaboration throughout the Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC). At each step of the HPC, it provides steps to strengthen CP-EiE collaboration, promising collaboration practices from country...


This web event, part of our COVID-19 webinar series and the sequel to Catching Up on Lost Learning, Part 1: Applying Accelerated Approaches in Response to COVID-19, will be held jointly by INEE and the Accelerated Education Working Group (AEWG). This “Part 2” webinar will feature new guidance from...

Podcast | Protected! Podcast Ep 8: When “Stay at Home” Policies Become a Danger for some Girls and Boys

Many girls and boys face violence at the hands of the very people they need to trust most. Their parents and close relatives. The COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns have wiped out the income many families relied on to meet their basic needs. And that means overwhelmed adults and children have been...

Podcast | Protected! Podcast Ep 7: City Kids, Country Kids and the School Shutdown in Mongolia

Schools in Mongolia shut down in January 2020, long before many other countries considered nationwide school closures. Amarbayasgalan Erdenebileg from World Vision Mongolia tells Hani Mansourian, the Alliance's Co-coordinator, what effect the school closure had on children in rural and urban...

Community-Level Child Protection Online Learning Series

This Online Learning Series follows Nina, a girl who has been displaced from her home, while she adjusts to her new setting and interacts with Child Protection actors. The 4-Part Video Series Covers: Introducing Standard 17: Community-level Approaches Reflecting on Current Community-level...

Video | Community-level CP in Humanitarian Action: The Need for a Shift in Mindset (Video 3)

This Online Learning Series follows Nina, a girl who has been displaced from her home, while she adjusts to her new setting and interacts with Child Protection actors. This is the 3rd video in a 4-Part Video Series: Introducing Standard 17: Community-level Approaches Reflecting on Current Community...

Video | Introducing Standard 17: Community-level Approaches (Video 1)

This Online Learning Series follows Nina, a girl who has been displaced from her home, while she adjusts to her new setting and interacts with Child Protection actors. This is the 1st video of a 4-Part Video Series: Introducing Standard 17: Community-level Approaches Reflecting on Current Community...

Video | Introducing the 2019 Edition of the CPMS

The CPMS Working Group is excited to present a new introductory video for the 2019 edition of the CPMS.

Video | Reflecting on Current Community-Level Programming (Video 2)

This Online Learning Series follows Nina, a girl who has been displaced from her home, while she adjusts to her new setting and interacts with Child Protection actors. This is the 2nd video in a 4-Part Video Series: Introducing Standard 17: Community-level Approaches Reflecting on Current Community...

Video | The Reflective Field Guide: Community-level Approaches to CP in Humanitarian Action (Video 4)

This Online Learning Series follows Nina, a girl who has been displaced from her home, while she adjusts to her new setting and interacts with Child Protection actors. This is the 4th and final video of a 4-Part Video Series: Introducing Standard 17: Community-level Approaches Reflecting on Current...

Webinar | The Need for Governments to Consult Child Protection Advisers when Loosening COVID-19 Lockdown Restrictions (English version)

Please find the edited recording of the English language webinar here. - Advocacy Webinar sponsored by the Advocacy Working Group COVID-19 Advocacy Team (CAT): “The Need for Governments to Consult Child Protection Advisers when Loosening COVID-19 Lockdown Restrictions” 21 July, 8:30am EDT (2:30pm...


On June 25, the CCP TF and the CPMS Working Group co-hosted a webinar to launch CPMS #17: Community-Level Approaches to Child Protection. The webinar featured a panel of CCP TF members who walked attendees through the changes to this new standard and how CPHA actors can operationalize the standard...

Advocacy Brief | Prioritizing the Safety of Children Online During the COVID-19 Pandemic

COVID-19 has prompted widespread school closures and physical distancing measures, making online platforms and communities essential to maintaining a sense of normalcy. While children and their families are turning to digital solutions more than ever to support children’s learning, socialization and...

Weighing up the Risks: School Closure and Re-opening under COVID-19

In Weighing up the risks: School closure and reopening under COVID-19 — When, Why, and What Impacts?, the Alliance and INEE have developed a balanced analysis to inform decisions based on holistic child-wellbeing as to when and why to re-open schools. This paper is meant to help decision makers...

Case Management Global Forms

The Global Case Management Forms are a package of forms developed to facilitate standardized data collection processes that enable program staff to aggregate (or disaggregate) data to track trends. The forms promote standardized methods of information gathering in a particular context that will...

Podcast | Protected! Podcast Ep 6: Considering Social Norms during COVID-19

Social norms govern how we behave in all the different communities that we move within and between. As the response to COVID-19 has altered how we live, the pandemic has influenced many norms around child rearing, from compulsory mask wearing, to physically-distanced grandparenting to hand washing...

Technical Note BRIEF | Protection of Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic v.2

The Alliance is excited to present this Technical Note BRIEF to give child protection actors an overview - including key questions and considerations - of version 2 of the Technical Note on Protection of Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic. The aim of the Technical Note was to support child...

COVID-19 Evidence Synthesis: Child Participation

From April 2020 to December 2021, the COVID-19 mapping team published the COVID-19 Evidence Synthesis series as a periodic digest of COVID-19 related resources (guidance, news, and academic articles), with the purpose to identify emerging child protection risks, responses, and apparent resource gaps...

Webinar | Cash interventions and child protection outcomes for children

The Cash and Child Protection Task Force is hosting a webinar, featuring a child protection cash intervention programme. Street Child is a child centered organisation that specialises in integrated solutions to education and protection for children in chronically poor or conflict and crisis affected...

A Review of Child Protection Caseworkers Recruitment and Capacity-building in Humanitarian Settings

Child protection case management in humanitarian settings requires caseworkers with the knowledge and skills to support vulnerable children and families during distressing events and in environments with limited services. In acknowledgement of those challenges, this review was conducted to provide...

Webinar | Adapting Family Strengthening Programs and Approaches to COVID-19

Please join us for a webinar and discussion on Family Strengthening in the time of Covid-19: Programmatic Adaptations to Support Families in Need. This webinar will include presentations on program adaptations from Family Strengthening Task Force member organisations and open discussion on...

Podcast | Protected! Podcast Ep 5: Caring for Young Children (Part 1)

When the coronavirus lockdown has shrunk your world to the four walls around you, Joan Lombardi, the director of Early Opportunities, shares about caring for young children under lockdown. This is part one of a two-part interview with Joan Lombardi on the Protected! Podcast. On the podcast this week...

Webinar | COVID-19: Protection Children from Violence, Abuse, and Neglect in the Home (Spanish version)

This webinar examines the technical note on protecting children from violence, abuse, and neglect in the home as countries implement lockdowns and stay-at-home orders to curb the spread of COVID-19. Protective prevention and response strategies are outlined with the goal of strengthening the...

COVID-19 Evidence Synthesis: Impact of School Closures on Children's Protection and Well-being

From April 2020 to December 2021, the COVID-19 mapping team published the COVID-19 Evidence Synthesis series as a periodic digest of COVID-19 related resources (guidance, news, and academic articles), with the purpose to identify emerging child protection risks, responses, and apparent resource gaps...

Podcast | Protected! Podcast Ep 4: Impact of COVID-19 on Child Labour Programming in Myanmar

The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed any famailies into difficulties, which has increased the risk of chidlren being lured or forced into different types of work that are hazardous for thier health, wellbeing and development. In this podcast, Hani Mansourian from the Alliance for Child Protection in...