Inter-agency Guidance Note | Data Protection and Information Sharing for Child Protection Case Management in Humanitarian Settings including Specific Considerations for Settings with Refugees

This Guidance Note provides actors delivering child protection case management with guidance on the key standards and principles, processes and tools available to apply good practices for data protection and information-sharing when implementing child protection case management in humanitarian settings. It includes specific considerations in relation to the UNHCR Best Interests Procedure (BIP) in settings with refugees. The guidance aims to assist child protection actors to meet global standards for data protection and information-sharing and, in doing so, facilitate coordination processes in this area of work.
Therefore, the aim is to make data protection and information-sharing more systematic and efficient, to reduce bottlenecks related to data protection and information-sharing and to ensure that children’s data is appropriately collected, processed, stored, shared and analysed.
Suggested citation: The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, Inter-agency Guidance Note: Data Protection and Information Sharing for Child Protection Case Management in Humanitarian Settings (2023).