Report | Learning Needs Analysis on the Intersectionality of Child Protection in Humanitarian Action and the Climate Crisis

Child Protection, the Climate Crisis, and Climate Justice together are highlighted in the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action 2021-2025 Strategy as an essential overlapping area demanding exploration and learning. In that pursuit, the Learning and Development (L&D) Working Group of the Alliance, with the support of the Group of Friends on Climate Change and Child Protection, conducted this learning needs analysis (LNA) between May and August 2024.
The learning needs analysis seeks to further understand how climate change induced crises impact the protection of children in humanitarian settings, how child protection practitioners and organisations are already responding to these impacts, and what knowledge and skills are required by both child protection in humanitarian action practitioners, and climate colleagues, to better implement strategies and interventions that enhance the safety, well-being and protection of children during climate change induced crises.
Data for the learning needs analysis is drawn from: A desk review of relevant literature and mapping of available learning resources, an online survey conducted in English, Arabic, French and Spanish, and focus groups discussions with CPHA practitioners in a range of contexts.