Solomon Islands: Data Analysis for Child Marriage Consultant
- Commencing 22nd April 2024, concluding June 2024
- Honiara, Solomon Islands
Save the Children is no ordinary Not-for-Profit:
We’re ambitious, creative and outspoken. We stand up for children’s rights. We want all children to be educated, healthy and live a life free from violence. We run programs in Australia and overseas and, if there’s a disaster - like an earthquake, drought, or conflict – we are there on the ground.
About the Project:
Solomon Islands Endim Vaelens Agenstim Pikinini (SIEVAP) 2022-2025 is a collaborative initiative enabled through New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) Negotiated Partnerships with three New Zealand agencies of ChildFund, Save the Children and World Vision (henceforth referred to as the “Coalition”). SIEVAP has implemented its activities at the community level through to government and policy levels to share learnings and raise voices together to jointly influence systematic change and seek a demonstrable impact on ending v iolence against children in Solomon Islands. This will be achieved through increasing children’s participation in society as agents of change and advocates for ending violence against children; supporting families and communities protect children from all forms of violence, respond to, and address child protection issues; and working closely with the Solomon Islands Government on policy and legislative reforms to protect children from all forms of violence.
Where you come in:
Save the Children is seeking a to engage an expert consultant to child marriage data analysis and report development.
In this consulting assignment you will:
- Undertake rapid literature review and meeting with team for background context.
- Data Analysis: Analyze data gathered from community consultations by the three member agencies (World Vision Solomon Islands, Save the Children Solomon Islands and ChildFund)
- Validation Workshop: Facilitate validation workshop with key stakeholders to validate key findings and recommendations from the analysis of the community consultation data. (This activity will be facilitated remotely with the support of SIEVAP in-country working group for external consultant).
- Report compilation and review: close collaboration with the SIEVAP Working Group in-country and New Zealand based technical advisers to review report.
- 2-page summary of findings and recommendations. This to be developed in simple English to support distribution to communities engaged in the initial consultation.
For detailed information, the full Terms of Reference are available here.
This consultancy requires:
- Demonstrable experience in qualitative research on child protection (ie. Child marriage) with a Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) lens
- Strong analytical skills and ability to clearly synthetize and present findings, draw practical conclusions, make recommendations and to prepare well-written reports in a timely manner.
- Demonstrates integrity by complying with Save the Children values and ethical standards.
- Complying with Code of Conduct and Child Protection Policies of Save the Children
- Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.
How to Apply:
We’d love to hear from you. To apply please send an application that includes:
- A letter expressing interest, outlining the experience and expertise of the individual consultant or consulting agency relevant for the work
- A copy of CV(s) or details of expertise in your research institution, or consultancy firm/agency, if applicable
- Sample of previous research work/s, relevant to this consultancy
- Contact details of at least two references
- An operational plan detailing how the work will be done and how the objectives above will be met (maximum 2 pages)
- A financial proposal or costing for items/activities required for the fulfilment of the expected deliverables of the consultancy work
Applications must be received no later than 19th April 2024 and can be sent to NATASHA SOKELEKE, SIEVAP COALITION MANAGER –
Application Link:
Save the Children Australia is a child-safe organisation. All consultants are required to undergo an International / National Police Check, a Working with Children Check where necessary, and sign our Child Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct.