COVID-19 Resource Tracker
In April 2020, the Alliance COVID-19 Mapping Team began tracking resources and articles on some of the key CPMS Standards and topics around child protection and COVID-19. Almost two years later, this process has produced the Child Protection and COVID-19 Resource Tracker, which contains the final bank of resources collected. This mapping process has also underpinned the Evidence Synthesis Briefs series.
Featured Resources
Children & Young People during COVID-19: How were they impacted & what we can learn for the future?
A Research Summary by and for Young People | Children during COVID-19 : How were they impacted by school closures and what we can learn for the future?
Research | The Impact of COVID-19 School Closures on Child Protection and Education Inequalities in Three Humanitarian Contexts
The Impact of School Closures on Children in Humanitarian Settings: A Multi-Country Research Study
MOOC | Protection Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Adapting Child Protection Programming
Report | Action Points on the Protection of Children and Infectious Disease Outbreaks from the 2020 Annual Meeting on Child Protection in Humanitarian Action
COVID-19 Synthesis | Evidence Briefs
Technical Note: Protection of Children during the Coronavirus Pandemic (v.2)
Enfants dans l'adversité
Matériel sur l'adversité des enfants pendant le COVID-19, y compris les enfants placés dans des structures d'accueil alternatives, les enfants privés de liberté, les enfants séparés et non accompagnés de leur famille, les enfants affectés par le travail des enfants, les enfants réfugiés, déplacés à l'intérieur du pays ou ayant migré (de force).
Podcast | Protected! Podcast Ep 10: Supporting Children on the Street during the Lockdown
Guidance for Alternative Care Provision During COVID-19
Webinar | CAAFAG and COVID-19 (French version)
Webinar | COVID-19: Protection Children from Violence, Abuse, and Neglect in the Home (Spanish version)
Podcast | Protected! Podcast Ep 4: Impact of COVID-19 on Child Labour Programming in Myanmar
Webinar | COVID-19 and Child Labour
Podcast | Protected! Podcast: Ep 3: Protecting Refugee Children in East Africa
Key Messages and Considerations for Programming for Children Associated with Armed Forces or Armed Groups During the COVID-19 Pandemic, v.1
Documents sur les effets de la COVID-19 sur l'éducation, y compris l'impact de la fermeture des écoles sur la protection et le bien-être des enfants.
World Humanitarian Day 2022
World Humanitarian Day 2022
The Impact of School Closures on Children in Humanitarian Settings: A Multi-Country Research Study
Blog Post | No Education, No Protection
Evidence Paper | No Education, No Protection: What school closures under COVID-19 mean for children and young people in crisis-affected contexts
Podcast | Protected! Podcast Ep 7: City Kids, Country Kids and the School Shutdown in Mongolia
Weighing up the Risks: School Closure and Re-opening under COVID-19
COVID-19 Evidence Synthesis: Impact of School Closures on Children's Protection and Well-being
Renforcer le système de protection de l'enfance
Matériel sur le renforcement du système de protection de l'enfance, y compris la gestion des cas et les lignes d'assistance (TBC), la santé mentale et le soutien psychosocial, l'assistance sociale, le renforcement de la famille et la protection de l'enfance au niveau communautaire.
Policy Paper Summary | Social Protection and Child Protection: Working Together to Protect Children from the Impact of COVID-19 and Beyond
Policy Paper | Social Protection & Child Protection: Working Together to Protect Children from the Impact of COVID-19 and Beyond
Guidance | Social Protection and Child Protection: How to Join Forces to Protect Children from the Impact of COVID-19 and Beyond
Podcast | Protected! Podcast Ep 8: When “Stay at Home” Policies Become a Danger for some Girls and Boys
Podcast | Protected! Podcast Ep 7: City Kids, Country Kids and the School Shutdown in Mongolia
Webinar | Adapting Family Strengthening Programs and Approaches to COVID-19
Podcast | Protected! Podcast Ep 5: Caring for Young Children (Part 1)
Guidance | Children, Isolation and Quarantine: Preventing Family Separation and Other Child Protection Considerations during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Matériel de plaidoyer pour donner la priorité à la protection des enfants pendant la COVID-19.
World Humanitarian Day 2022
World Humanitarian Day 2022
Policy Paper Summary | Social Protection and Child Protection: Working Together to Protect Children from the Impact of COVID-19 and Beyond
Policy Paper | Social Protection & Child Protection: Working Together to Protect Children from the Impact of COVID-19 and Beyond
Podcast | Protected! Podcast Ep 11: Are Governments Doing Enough for Child Protection Workers?
Guidance | Social Protection and Child Protection: How to Join Forces to Protect Children from the Impact of COVID-19 and Beyond
Webinar | The Need for Governments to Consult Child Protection Advisers when Loosening COVID-19 Lockdown Restrictions (English version)
Advocacy Brief | Prioritizing the Safety of Children Online During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Matériel de formation et de développement professionnel
Matériel pour former les professionnels de la PEAH à intervenir en temps de COVID-19.9