

Child Labour Tool | Addressing Child Labour During Infectious Disease Outbreaks

This is guidance for practitioners who are working in contexts of infectious disease outbreaks. It outlines the child labour risks associated with infectious disease outbreaks and the recommended actions to prevent and respond to child labour. This guidance draws upon lessons learned from a variety...

Child Labour Tool | Age Verification for Working Children

Where children may be engaged in vocational training, livelihoods or decent work programmes, humanitarian actors will need to verify the age of the child, to ensure that children are old enough to participate. Always follow existing legislation and guidelines on age verification and certification...

Child Labour Tool | Body Safety

In addition to regular and consistent safety assessments, case workers can hold separate sessions with children and caregivers on body safety and safety planning. This can help children to communicate their boundaries and respond to unsafe situations. These sessions can help children to feel more...

Child Labour Tool | Child Labour in Refugee, Internally Displaced and Migrant Settings

This tool provides an overview of risks for and key actions to protect children in refugee, internally displaced and migrant populations.

Child Labour Tool | Child Labour Key Messages

The following key messages can be used and adapted to a variety of humanitarian contexts. Where it is safe and possible to do so, consult with children in child labour as well as with families and communities during the development of key messages for differ- ent target groups.

Child Labour Tool | Child Labour Risk and Protective Factors

This overview presents common risk and protective factors in humanitarian settings. It is important to identify risk and protective factors in the specific context to better understand what factors leads to child labour.

Child Labour Tool | Child Labour Risk Matrix

A risk matrix is a case management tool that caseworkers and their supervisors can use during the assessment of an individual child in or at risk of child labour. The risk matrix can help determine the level of risk a child faces and subsequently help prioritise actions to take.

Child Labour Tool | Children Are Not Little Adults

Many people assume that the work children do is not particularly dangerous, or that workplace dangers and hazards for adults affect children in the same way. However, children are affected more significantly by the same hazards because their bodies are still growing and they are still developing...

Child Labour Tool | Disability and Child Labour

The linkages between disability and child labour are complex, and clear evidence on their causal relationship is still hard to come by – in particular the question of whether children with disabilities are more vulnerable to entering child labour often remains unanswered. However, analysis of other...

Child Labour Tool | Guidance for Child Protection Case Workers

This is guidance for caseworkers and case managers who provide child protection case management services for children in child labour, including the worst forms of child labour. This guidance complements the key actions outlined in Child Protection Minimum Standard 18 and global case management...

Child Labour Tool | Measuring Child Labour in Humanitarian Settings

Child labour data can be hard to come by, especially when it comes to the worst forms of child labour. At the same time, this data is essential to inform strategic decision-making and response planning in humanitarian settings. This checklist contains key actions to improve measurement of child...

Child Labour Tool | Preventing Child Labour Risk Factors Related to Humanitarian Action

SAMPLE RISK ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS: Do vulnerable groups targeted by the intervention include working children and their families? Do children already work in the areas where the intervention hopes to have an effect, e.g. geographical, trade, thematic or subject areas? Are children who are under the...

Child Labour Tool | Psychosocial Impacts of Child Labour

Child labour can seriously affect children’s social and emotional development and wellbeing. Different aspects of children’s work can cause harm to their psychosocial wellbeing. The impact of psychosocial hazards can cause significant stress, and if they are not mitigated, children can develop...

Child Labour Tool | Safety Planning

Safety planning is part of the case management process and is a tool for both the child and the case worker to keep the child safe from harm. During the initial assessment of the child’s situation, the case worker will have determined if the child is safe or not. If during the assessment it is...

Child Labour Tool | Signs of Child Labour

A number of signals can indicate that children are involved in child labour or the worst forms of child labour (WFCL) such as forms of slavery, commercial sexual exploitation, or trafficking. A child can display one or multiple signs. Sometimes humanitarian actors may suspect that something is not...

Child Labour Tool | Supporting At-Risk Children and Empowering Girls

This tool provides additional guidance on promoting inclusive humanitarian action with and for working children and adolescents who are in or at risk of child labour/WFCL, with specific attention to girls.

Child Labour Tool | What We Need to Know About Child Labour

This tool – What We Need To Know (WWNK) – presents the pieces of information that we need to know about the child labour situation, in order to plan for a strategic response. It provides a framework for situation analysis, including secondary data review (SDR) and primary data collection.

Child Labour Tools | Child Labour Information Sources

This tool contians several child labour data sources for you to explore.

Report | Capacity Needs and Gaps Analysis: CAAFAG Programming

The Alliance CAAFAG Task Force is implementing an interagency project with the aim to strengthen the capacities of field practitioners to design and implement programs related to the prevention of child recruitment, the release and the reintegration of children associated with armed forces and armed...

Webinar | Girls Associated with Armed Forces and Armed Groups

Register via this Zoom link. The Alliance CAAFAG Task Force is pleased to invite you to a webinar on Girls Associated with Armed Forces and Armed Groups! Sandra Maignant, CAAFAG advisor for Plan International and writer of the Technical Note on Girls Associated with Armed Forces and Armed Groups...

Webinar | Girls Associated with Armed Forces and Armed Groups (French version)

Register via this Zoom link. The Alliance CAAFAG Task Force is pleased to invite you to a webinar on Girls Associated with Armed Forces and Armed Groups! Sandra Maignant, CAAFAG advisor for Plan International and writer of the Technical Note on Girls Associated with Armed Forces and Armed Groups...

Webinar | YLabs and IRC Project on UASC / CP and Cash Task Force Meeting

Register via this Zoom link. Tackling barriers to cash and voucher assistance programs for unaccompanied and separated adolescents. Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) programs have proven to be an effective, efficient, and dignified way to help vulnerable people access basic needs in the development...

Child Labour Case Study | Addressing Child Labour at Distribution Sites in Gaza

This case study describes how UNRWA addressed child labour issues at distribution centres in Gaza through an integrated education, economic-strengthening and protection project.

Child Labour Case Study | Centre-Based Services and Cash Assistance to Address Child Labour in Turkey

This case study describes a new approach to centre-based services and cash assistance to address child labour in Turkey.

Child Labour Case Study | Child Labour Guidance and Tools for Labour Inspectors in Jordan

This case study describes how child labour guidance and tools improved child labour law enforcement in Jordan.